Theme: Love

Let Love Be A River

Love is not a chain, nor a cage to confine,
It’s the gentle breeze that dances through the spine
To love a flower is to cherish its grace,
Not to pluck and possess, but to savor its space.

Admire its colors, let your heart be its guest,
In the garden of moments, where beauty is blessed.
Each petal whispers secrets, each scent tells a tale,
In appreciation lies love that will never grow stale.

So let love be a river, not a storm’s fierce demand,
Flowing freely through hearts, like grains of soft sand.
For to love is to honor, to celebrate and see,
The brilliance of existence, in all that it can be.


Image © Arup Ganguly


More By  :  Arup Ganguly

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Comment Enchanting words!

18-Oct-2024 06:01 AM

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