Theme: Birthday

Tia Turns Twenty-One

As you step into twenty-one, embrace the dawn,
Life unfolds its colours, a vibrant canvas drawn.
Cherish each moment, let your spirit soar,
For this is your journey, with adventures in store.

Enjoy the laughter, the dreams yet to chase,
Each birthday a reminder of your unique place.
You were born to be you, a light shining bright,
Leave your mark on the world, with all of your might.

With every step forward, may you come to know,
The depth of your being, the strength you can show.
We love you dearly, as you find your way,
Tread your chosen path, and seize each day.

In this grand tapestry, you weave your own thread,
With passions and purpose, let your heart be led.
So here's to your journey my princess, to the life yet to be,
Step boldly into twenty-one—be wholly, truly free.


Image © Arup Ganguly


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