Whether Modi is a Hindutva crusader
Or Trump an enemy of illegal immigrants;
Whether Time is classical, quantum or cosmic
Relative, relational or mere human creative endeavour,
And doesn't have a physical existence independent of process, event, happening;
Past, present and future are
Mere thought-forms appearing in the awareness of the
Present continuous;
Whether one of capitalism, socialism; democracy, dictatorship are good for humanity;
Culture must be water in a tank or a flowing stream and civilization, human rights,
Equality of sexes, equality of
Humans are modern concepts;
All fine arts are human refining endeavours;
Humans need intellectual or more emotional fulfillment;
Attaining in life - power, position, reputation,
Wealth and scholarship are
Measures of human success;
Discussions on and Practice of spirituality, belief in fate,
God, destiny are essential for
A human's living and life;
Science, philosophy, technology, pollution-free
Environment are sustainers of
Human existence, spirit and cheer;
Withdrawal of mind from material possessions and cultivating serenity is also a
Way of living;
These are all questions
That make us think throughout our life;
But in the phase of traveling
Into the twilight, everything
Doesn't matter except good health and happiness from
Living with near and dear, it calms and fulfills life and living;
And hence disappearing
Serenely, without any trace into the nature silently at the appropriate time is all that matters.
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