Please do not come near me, Or try to playfully hold my hand Only to display your infatuation, Mistaking it for true love ! If at the end of it all, you are only going to break my heart !
It would have been better still, We had not met at all ; Remaining strangers as before, And our paths had never crossed ! So please don't torment me any more, Please do not try to kiss and go, If at the end of it all, You are going to leave a broken heart !
For my heart is fragile like the mirror, With passions and feelings of my own, But it reflects all that is true, A true love it can never disown ! But should some day it cracks its face, Though a mirror gets easily replaced ; What will I do with a broken heart ?!
So it is better for us to stay away, And become like strangers from the start ! For the mirror cannot stitch its face, Nor can my broken heart !