Theme: NoTheme

Scent of a Dream

Scent of a dream..
My senses are lifted up
by the fragrance and the
reel of the memories unwound.
like a kite drawing away the string....

Colors filled in everywhere
Fragrance spread around
and freshness set in with
a pleasant breeze passing
around the message.

The dance of the wind
the rejoice of the branches
the response of the flowers and
the rhythm of the nature

Mesmerized and tranquilized,
transformed and transferred into
a stage, phase and being of
happiness, hope and expectation

Scent of a dream, made my
mind afresh in a magic stroke
pulsating with enthusiasm
and opened the floodgate of
memories, which flown
out like an avalanche...

Your memories.....


More By  :  Vijay Nath

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