'Dear God it just does not seem fair Why pain and sorrow some must bear, And those, that sin, seem to live in peace, And revel in luxury and a life of ease. And why must one life's pleasures miss In order to earn thy heavenly bliss.'
'Dear Son', said God, 'why so irate And why you seek me to berate; Pain and sorrow that some bear, Is because of those who do not care; And how your life you wish to lead, Is for you to choose by thought or deed'.
'But God', said I 'why not use thy might To show those wrong, what is right, So that those who suffer and cannot fight May be spared their tragic plight; And then will freedom of thought and deed Be exercised equally by all indeed'.
'Why', said God, ' should I bend one's will When each has the freedom to instill Within themselves of wrong and right By thought or deed or will or might. For freedom is for the righteous and meek And equally for those who prey on the weak'.
'So the path you seek is yours to find If so you desire to appease your mind And your conscience lies in wait to speak Of answers that you claim to seek Remember 'a candle in the dark will aid the sight, Only' if one chooses to kindle the light.'