In the hostile terrain of my trekking path
I took a break
And saw you sitting, tired and lonely
Like a crescent moon
In the darkening sky.
The raising blizzard
Had silenced your voice
Flecks of white snow were settling hard
On your brow and unbound hair,
In a passionate kiss, warm and deep,
I wiped them clear.
Shaken deep by a cruel blitzkrieg
You lay torn and desolate
Awaiting your destiny amid the rising storm
Death wish was swaying
Sure through your heart;
Like a whirlwind
I hurried through the forest
And gathered the elixir plant
To bring you back to breathe.
The storm subsided,
Like the pole star in the enormous sky,
Monalisa smiled back fresh on your face.
The arm of the compass moved along smoothly
And picked the right path ahead.