I am falling, falling in to darkness I am forgetting things my family, my friends, my self Who am I, I ask my self, have I lost my heart Have I lost my soul why am I falling, what have I done Why am I forgetting thing's, about my past, about my self Why isn't there a bottom, where I can fall on hoping that it is softly Hoping it shall, it shall break my fall, but not breaking me But when I come to the end of my fall will I see a beautiful light With white rays of joy and happiness Or will I see an awful light of red rays of death and torment Or will I stay between the two worlds to'. to'. It's all starting to fade away when will I listening to a Speech of white'.shines, everything is starting to ' exile away Everything I want, knew everything, what I just said is lost I '. Falling '. Blackness everywhere why ' I Going down In a hope's fall