It is this mindset of financial gain
that draws the blind down,
the eye detached over the window pane.
For though the sun shines unbroken,
the trees stirring as though with new life;
under the scalp they remain unspoken.
Those stuccoed mansions appear steeped in thought,
the dwellers’ preoccupations opening like a city,
fast-tracked to the shops; the catharsis of ‘bought’.
The picturesque is pure accompaniment,
appraised in a glance, abetting the view
of all the sports-minded in each games event.
Nature at its best supporting human venture;
for itself, it is left to respire, increasing our breath;
or if poeticized, labeled a commercial feature.
A glorious departure to become part of the day,
And simple as a tree to move with the hours,
And let light fill the mind with contentment to stay. |