Theme: Nature

The Cyclone I Cannot Forget!

The Cyclone I Cannot Forget!1.jpg
So enormously powerful the wind force
Of the cyclone is since the inception of the Earth
That man finds it impossible to harness it
For any useful purpose so far in the world!

Like a spiraling Nebula of the Universe,
Like the rotating eye of the living beings,
Like the spinning wheel of Mahatma Gandhi,
Or like the rotating disc of Lord Vishnu
The wheel of cyclonic storm spins off
From the sea to the shore!

On the way, the natural force
Tosses about the anchored boats
And simply hurls all like a cricket ball
To the shore to pieces innumerable in number!

Entering the shore the storm breaks down
The tree branches everywhere
And in some places even uproots the whole trees
That are tall and old,
Blocking the roadways and
Making traffic impossible
In and out of the town!

Afterwards calm prevails over the whole place
Making it an island having no links
With the outside world before
The final phase of storm strikes the town!

Without electric power, communication links
And conveyance possible,
The whole town is besieged by uneasy calm
For hours together in the night
Making the people silent spectators
To simply witness the havoc at the climax!

In the next day, the final assault of
The storm starts at 2 pm and ends at 9pm!
In the seven hours the cyclonic storm
At a steady speed of 80 km per hour
Tosses off all the metal boards, clamps,
Loose roofs and unprotected materials
in the sky and makes them fly away to nowhere,
Never to be seen again in the town!

In the year 2000 it happened so in our town
After a long time, never to be forgotten!
Also in the previous year cyclones had destroyed
Acres of agricultural lands in Andhra Pradesh;
Marooned many villages in Orissa rendering the people
Bleak and helpless for many months!
Before that some years ago a big cyclone hacked havocs
Entering the cock-pit of Bangladesh,
Wherein thousands of people were flown away to nowhere
And never to be seen again there!

It is a greatest human tragedy
Never to be forgotten in the history of cyclones!
Many nations came forward to give
Humanitarian assistance to the cyclone hit nation.
It seems, Nature has got its own way
Of maintaining the balance of human population
By causing earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions
And cyclonic storms now and then!

As in the war times in such tragic situations only
World people are united in heart
to help their suffering brothers and sisters
Here and there in the world now and then!
Though however materialistic, satiristic and
A political animal man is anywhere,
He is reminded of his true self on
Such tragic occasions only in the world!

Perhaps to remind man of his true self and
His service to human society that way,
Natural calamities like Katrina, Rita
Or Wilma occur in the world here and there;
Otherwise, where is the chance
For man to think about
World Unity, Universal Brotherhood
And One Human World?


More By  :  T. A. Ramesh

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