What is God? Still a Mystery deep Why It created me, still mysterious Because, if It created thee and me To turn back to It, worship It, It is as selfish as thee and me. If It created me to go thru a little pain here A little pleasure there And to remember It all thru day n night Why did It create me? For, I was at home at the dormant state. And friends, who created the Religions? It is never Krishna, the King-philosopher Nor is it David nor Moses, the law-givers Nay, it is not Jesus or Mohammed the reformers great. It is me and thee who created the great divide Lovingly called as "Religion". And the religions say that It sent prophets 100,000 plus To reform us, so that we turn to It But alas, we are still where we were Each of us fighting for It, Because my It is true, thine is not! So let us bark like rabid dogs Bite like venomous snakes Fight to the end like bison wild And turn the Nile and Ganges red Red with blood, of thine and mine For, we are but sacrificial goats So be It, let us fight for It