I shift restlessly on the bed It was too late to try to sleep I get myself up to go for a coffee But something at the window catches my eye
I move slowly towards that vision The sight of a dark range of mountain Two hills lay there hand in hand With a dot of light playing in their lap
As I watch, the yellow dot grows on them And sweeps a golden lining along the slopes The steep slants of that distant valley Perceive that orange hue on their body
As the little spec looms higher above It lights the contours of the rocky terrain It makes the clouds sparkle and shine As they bend forward for a taste of that gold
The spec is now a blob of saffron It spreads its wings to reach out to all And covers the skies with its rich flavor Soon towers over the earth and its creation
It burns now like a ball of fire Piercing my eyes that I've to look away It burns and bubbles on with a deep passion A passion that keeps life flowing on...