Theme: NoTheme


At the crack of dawn, with the sun still behind the mountains
I awoke, and hurried to the hills to see my favorite site.
To gaze at the amber sunrise,
That recurring phenomenon for many millennia past.
Here it is again in its full splendor,
With golden rays peeking out of the hills.

Why is this regular occurrence of nature extraordinary?
Repeated for time immemorial,
Experienced by all mankind,
Yet, every sunrise brings out a primordial euphoria,
That sensation of core energy, radiating, emanating.
What is this charm of the sun that kindles such exhilaration?

With the first rays of the morning bathing my skin,
A tingle, a feeling of power, vigor suddenly uncovered.
Sitting cross legged, on the top of the hill,
I wondered in my meditation,
How many before me have felt these emotions?
How many wondered?

But who is watching over my sun? Who is ticking its clock?
Is its power and brightness infinite, as it seems?
Is this day, cheerful in its early phase, a day of gloom and doom?
How long before this splendor vanishes?
When does infinity become finite?
Is supernova imminent? Is Brahma closing his eyes?

Perched on his lotus, rising high from the navel of reclining Vishnu,
Is Brahma counting the days before the final episode?
Tiring of all creation, is Brahma ready for his slumber?
Ready for his night of cosmic calm,
And for the final destruction?
Is a younger star replacing my sun?

My time here is irrelevant to Brahma,
Brief and miniscule.
In this inconsequential life of mine, can I act acts of significance?
Should I make a mark in the sand of time?
Should I not hurry, and seize the moment?
Use the bright sunlight?

Before Brahma closes his eyes, and the supernova is at hand,
And darkness looms over the cosmic oceans,
Should I not impart love, tolerance, kindness and fortitude?
Should I not be forthright and virtuous?
Before my bright light is turned out, before my precious time runs out,
Long before the final devastation of the supernova.


More By  : Dr. Neria H. Hebbar

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