In the vastness and deepness of this unfathomable universe, I wonder what I am; I wonder who I am. In the eternity of this universe, I wonder why I am. Am I a bundle of atoms, protons, electrons? Or a bag of organic matter filled with salty water? Am I just a play of matter, its various elements and energy?
I am!
What is this feeling, this experience?
Of being, Of existence, Of living, Of breathing, Of hunger and eating, Of sweating and salivating,....... Of desire and mating.
As long as I am, there are all the things, all the sights, all the sounds, the activities of life and nature, the beauty and the vagaries of nature, of existence.
When I am not everything is a big ZERO, but all this is still there ' Matter, energy, electrons, protons of elements, the sky, the earth, the atmosphere, oceans, rivers, lakes, water, plants, animals; the sun, moon, planets and stars and the universe still unending, fathomless, deep, dark, cold and scary; bright and hot.
And still moving.
I know not where I know not why.