In his Easter message the Pope never touched on The tragedy of L'Aquila, fifty miles down the road, Being unable to bring himself to associate it With divine retribution, or even to be a part with Christ's death for the salvation of the world.
What he could do was summon up sympathy in sorrow For the rest of the world's tragedies, the Christ-type Resurrection hope accorded to all, leaving only The solace of implication to the unmentioned L'Aquila As if the mention would be a breach in protocol.
Once done, the greetings in many languages Could commence, the national groups responding with Gaming zest, flaunting of flags, the chant of 'Viva il Papa' puffing up from the circling embrace Of Bernini's colonnade to the eagle's nest where
The white-clad saint had proclaimed the resurrection That the dead of the earthquake could not.