The ocean wave lashed at the shore In the wrathful brunt of its rage, The sand asserted yet once more Showing the experience of old age.
"Nay", said the sea to the sand "Do not stop again my desire..." "Yet I must", came the reply from land "Your wishes are too harmful to acquire."
And as she sat on the beach To witness once again this war, Confusion was all she could reach Confusion which challenges are for...
And then in a sudden wave of vengeance And a strength born of inner pride, And a face impassive with impatience She let the ocean waves subside...
She strode off, out of the beach To do what she thought was right, She was slave to no one; she'd impeach And summon all her courage and fight...
The waves here were nothing else But her sensitive desiring heart, The sand here was the mind's rebel Making her and her desires part...
One, the desire to be like the rest Of her social race, The other a desire to do the best On sociability and friendship's face...
Yet, she had been born with ideals That laid the foundation of her mind, And the way her race would deal She knew all their ideals were blind...
And still she strode on Against the harshness, of the wind bitter-cold, Her weather-beaten frame shone Like in the armor of a brave warrior; experienced, but not old.
Yet idealism has its own Expensive cost to pay... Oh Idealist! the cost of the right to be shown Shall make each day, a may-day!
And so the deed was done A messiah's task accomplished, And once again the battle was won The armour once more glowed like polished...
She turned back to tell all Of her brave, courageous deed, And couldn't help but feel small To see their corpses on the battlefield...
She retreated to the beach Once more surrounded by herself, The wrong she had impeached Such that now there was no one else.
After a few hours of silence Once again the turmoil began, The sea and sand showed violence And ideals once again won the clan...
This time she was truly appaled But summoned her courage once more, For she the messiah had been called To enslave the evil's downpour...
And at the end of the fight, She couldn't help but feel lonely again Social animal or hero for the right? It takes courage to be the slave of pain...