In the engulfing ocean of Silence
Thoughts swim dreamy, placid.
They calm the senses,
Quell fears and disappear.
External sounds like pebbles,
Create ripples and vanish.
Under the clamorous surface,
In the Soundlessness of my Being,
Your beguiling flute entices me
Beloved Krishna,
I yearn to be Your Radha,
Your Meera, even just Your flute.
Its enchantment bewitches -
Silence transmutes into sheer joy and
The joy is charmed into Silence.
Now, a melody of love it flows in song;
Now, the drunken ecstasy of a dervish,
It reels in a dance.
Then like a flash flood
It bursts through my eyes,
A love crazy river, gushing,
Rushing, hurtling into
The mellifluous Silence
That is YOU, my Beloved.