I will tell them in a second, I said to me The three little words are so hard, you see But the second came and the seconds were spent Neglecting to say, the three little words I meant
I will tell them in a minute, I said to me The three little words that are hard for me The minutes swiftly passed and a new hour drew near The three little words fell on no ones ear
I will tell them in an hour, I said to me The three little words are soon to be But the hour went by and no words were said, the three little words still in my head
I will tell them in a day, I said to me The three little words, I should say today If not this day, surely the next The three little words, held close to my vest
I will tell them in a week, I said to me The three little words that have eluded me A second, a minute, an hour and a day are lost forever because I didn't say The three little words intended for today
I will tell them in a month, I said to me The three little words that hide within me A second, a minute, an hour, a day, and now months have slipped away. Some loved ones now sleep; oh how I wish I had said the three little words running round in my head
I will tell them in a year, I said But I could not see what lay ahead. Now my body, cold, lies readied for the ground Loved ones gathered solemnly round, Some wear smiles, some wear dread, others talk about the life I led. In a moment of silence, some say they heard, a deep but quite voice say the three little words.