Theme: Miracle


Isn’t it a miracle?
That we with no
Eyes and ears
Honking on the roads
At every bend, turn and
Ignoring pedestrian
Crossings, encroaching
On their right to cross
The roads safely, shooing
Them away to race our cars
At break-neck speeds,
Bribing the police to get away
With our mischiefs,
Having under the table
Money exchanges with the agents
To get our driving licences.
All the rules being flouted.
No respect for road safety laws.
We, the blind and deaf people
Suddenly, almost miraculously
Start seeing and heeding what is
Being said to us in countries
Other than our own; become
Civilised drivers, with no need
For honking while driving,
Reversing and turning.
All the mayhem that happens
On our Indian roads, where
People don’t follow their lanes,
Come threatening us with their noisy horns
And nerve-racking swerves; just the places
Need to change, and the same people find
Themselves quietly going through the roads
Abroad. But India isn’t destined to see
Such miracles. Or is She? Some eon, may be.


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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Comments on this Poem

Comment Thanks for bringing to notice the menace on Indian roads. Humans are taught to be competitive from day one of one's life. So bad competes with bad here in India; and good competes with the good in foreign land! Also, human beings have not forgotten its past, that is to "ape", to come to the point!

Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
30-Jun-2010 01:17 AM