I quietly sat on my arm chair, thinking about an hour, an hour of bliss, an hour of peace, an hour of love, an hour where all could be justified without having anything to miss….
I thought of leading my country away, Away from this junction of disparity, Away from the war, Away from the self imposed slavery…
I knew that it wasn’t that easy as it seemed to be, There was much more to do than I could just see. The plethora of an empty darkness restrained me from taking a step, But I knew the only way to show the world was to take the challenge alone before it was too late, It was time to make hay while the sunshine before the role was played by the fate…
Thou rule’s over “poverty”, Tell thou evil brother “corruption” to surrender, Forget not to pass on this message to the clan of “terrorism”, Who shall in turn forward this news to “ dowry”, “inequality”, “illiteracy”, “female infanticide”. Hide your face evil, try and conceal your image, For the power that you have to face now is the ultimate power of the Youth…
We, ‘youth’, shall awake India into a new world of hope, Where no more divisions shall be made, And shan’t be any conspiring rope. It will be a new world where All Will Be Well, Without any sorrows and without any death knell…
Flowers shall bloom again without the fear of being crushed by that ruthless man of evil, Nature shall once again sing songs of glory, joy, solitude and our nation will shine Without any signs of terrorism…
I do not think I wish for something unbelievable, I haven’t asked for a Kohinoor neither am I asking fro a death sentence For someone who should not be named, Neither am I asking for another new state nor do I ask to segregate India And thus seek its fate. All I ask you is to once again shake hands, Let the world know our strength and let all of us know that, Single we fall but united we stand…
Introspection is all that we need, Blaming one another for all that is done to our nation Won’t fetch us any steady feet. For once let us think of our country, our motherland, And do all to make it live again, in a world free of all the evil, in a world more bright, in a world where it can breathe that fragrant air of freedom, the golden air of security, love and compassion, And we shall get a perfect India in bargain… |