It was supposed to be a surprise celebration The whole office was a buzz with speculation Keeping in mind what was happening around them They wondered if there would be any breaking news Or announcements of promotions and quotas For women on the company's Board of Directors The grapevine went soon into growth mode creeping Across the corridors and into and out of the cabins It was well nourished and cared for until it reached The CEO's chambers - he, a dour man with white hair Belonged to the old school and could not understand What all the fuss was about - all this excitement About women directors on his board was ridiculous He scoffed at the management gurus' new mantra That women Managers were the answer to curbing Excesses and putting companies back on track - for him In a male dominated industry women usually played Just a decorative role like sitting in unobtrusive corners Taking notes while the male maestros on the Board spoke Their very presence in the Board Room was an honor They had no reason to aspire for or expect more in terms Of either job satisfaction or individual recognition This whole Women's Day stuff was a heap of nonsense Used inappropriately by the staff and the press to generate False hopes and aspirations among his female employees With that thought in mind, he clipped the grapevine He sent out a staff memo authorizing all the lady staff To take a paid holiday and celebrate with their families It was his way of wishing them - Happy Women's Day!!