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Children's Rights

At the turn of the new millennium, old challenges
Seem to haunt us in a new form or manner-
While ethnic conflicts, illiteracy, poverty, and
Violations of human rights howl under a different banner!
Exclusions of too many people from the benefits of
Globalization, and inclusions of child labor are only a few-
To surround us with a cruel hegemonic manifestation of
Developmental challenge, visible within our normal view!
The growing problems of inequality both within and
Between States, followed by violations of children's rights-
Are dissuading the unwavering commitments of international
Community and buttressing against the generous sights!

Most shocking and shameful violations of children's rights
Are soaring now in many nations across the Earth-
To jeopardize the children's survival, development, protection,
And participation, or disallow them to drench in mirth!
Poverty has become one of the greatest colossal obstacles
To the universal protection of children's rights-
And is creating their vulnerability of and exposure to armed
Conflicts, sexual exploitations, or drug trafficking fights!
So special attentions must be paid to children, who are refugees,
Disabled, or members of the minority classes-
And we must ensure that their rights with well-being are
Ever-present, and not compromised under dark glasses!
Through dedicated supports of global imperatives
And bilateral assistance, we can achieve the goal-
To enhance and protect the human rights of children
As a reality, and a token of peace without a toll!
Undoubtedly, Internet has become a good educational tool
For the children of many lands-
But we must control the assurance that it didn't broaden
The child pornography, filmed near nude beach sands!

The process of globalization has widened
The socio-economic gaps among the States for sure-
While the women and children are precariously
At the receiving end, and the benefits they seem to endure!
In "Hillonomics", the developing nations plagued by the
Economic hardships, often cannot fathom the children's rights-
And the girl child, in particular, suffers from discrimination,
Abuse, or poor health care, and is kept out-of-sights!
The HIV/AIDS is a killer monster globally, followed by
The scourge of war, subjecting the children to severe pain-
And the unspeakable abuse still continues in many nations,
Engulfed in armed conflicts, and it drives me insane!

As per blueprint and "Hillomorphic Explorations" of humanity,
All children are now recognized with dignity and pride-
And possess the rights of full human beings, free from economic
And sexual exploitation, with congenial stride!
Malnutrition kills thousands of children every day, and they are
Even deprived of their survival in a scrupulous way-
While the gravity of the unacceptable fate of the
Vulnerable section of society seems to shift or tend to sway!
Child labor has become a new form of slavery
That prevails heavily in my mind and "Hillolsphere" now-
And offers "Hillominous Warnings" before the pillars
Of human rights start to crumble with the irreparable vow!

In "H-Ray Vision", I feel the obvious need to bridge the gap
Between existing norms and their actual adherence as well,
To eradicate the plight of the children's rights
Under humanitarian laws, and allow peace to dwell!
Children's participation and ability to voice their concerns
In decision-making process is a must-
And the law should emphasize that the children are not
At the mercy of adults, or an object of lust!

Well, as a crusader for the implementation of children's rights,
I have begun to see a silver lining along my "H-Ray Vision"-
'Cause of unwavering commitment by the international community
And generous funds dedicated to achieve this mission!
Remember, the smiles on the faces of children who are refugees,
Disabled, or exploited members of the minority clans-
Will rejuvenate the global humanity with "human hearts",
While I will rejoice with sincere efforts to promote my master plans!!


More By  :  Hillol Ray

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