When a fifty five years old man molests a nine year old girl one is aghast! Is the man insane? Or, inebriated the man had lost senses?
What do you do to such a man? Deal with the law of the land, naturally.
What happens to the girl who has not learnt to deal with man's carnal desire? Nobody has told her that a beast can come out of any man from nowhere and then she has to run for her honor! But the girl could be too young to learn that too! Post facto she has to be told that it was as if a snake came out in the green grass and bit. It could have happened to anybody; and like all bad incidents they are best forgotten.
There was a time, a nine year old girl was married off to an eighteen year or even to an eighty eight!
Do not men dream comely women in arms, fuelled more so by the film industries of the world, and surrogate depictions?
How healthy knowledge gets imparted about libido?
A problem really, a hazard too, like so many hazards living and living healthy endures.