Theme: Passion


Babe, is it high
Or low?!
We simply don't know
About this 'drive'
Of ours!
Just day before
We had it all
And today too
We had a go at it!
That heady mixture
Of juicy cocktails
I love it :)
And so does he!
Why then the need
To feel guilty?!
As per Maslow, it may be.
But for us, Sex is
A bonding so divine
A feeling so "his and mine"
A taste like that ravishing
Red wine...
As they say,
Practice makes one perfect.
And so we do practise
Every now and then!
It's been like this
For all these years
Nearing a decade.
Hope it stays ;)
And sustains us
For plenty more of nice
'Sexy' years of togetherness
Galore..! Touch Wood.
It may be for Maslow
A basal need
A need we 'need' to conquer
And vanquish.
But I wonder, why the need be so?
For a man and a woman
To give love and feel loved
Isn't this the most beautiful thing
That Adam and Eve made us feel
How sex can be wonderfully so!
Let sex be there...
And love thrive too
Let our passions
Be the expression of
Love, lust and feelings
Yes, I love him
He loves me too :)
And if sex is a bonus
What harm can it do?!
So with these ending words
O reader mine, I bid you adieu!
Think of Sex as something
Enjoyable and enriching!
God's way of telling us
That man and woman
Should touch each other
To feel and explore...
How very revitalising
And energising sex could be.
It's not a vice,
Nor a sin
To keep asking for
More and more...
As long as Faith and
Trust remains
We'll keep enjoying it!
I with my man ;)
He with his woman
Forever more...


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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