Editor's Choice
Theme: Nature

Nature's Retribution

When I was young, a little wild
Nature too was undefiled,
I could see near my house
Squirrels, rabbits, goose and grouse
There were birds all around
In the trees and on the ground
Through the windows on the sill
I could spy their nests at will
At a place not far away
A gentle stream wove its way
Through the rocks and gravel sand
On its way to some far off land
In the river I could spy
Fish and shells that I would pry
The bed was full of life amaze
At which for hours I would gaze
But there is little I see today
We, our brethren have had our way
The rabbits, goose and grouse are gone
The fields around appear forlorn
Fewer birds now hop around
On window sills or barren ground
The trees now appear so frail
Their weary barks reveal a tale
Of greed, neglect and unconcern
For trees, grass and soothing fern
In reckless loot the stream too died
Nature murmured, softly cried
But she will always have her way
No price for her is high to pay
She will destroy to create again
Many but one, to carry her grain
Men, their destinies she will decide
To move her course and abide
Bestow a fortune to follow her urge
Spare no suffering, or tragedy emerge
But when man’s done, his impetus spent
Then is time to bow and repent
For what till now was her protective guard?
She’ll turn away in divine disregard


More By  :  Ravinder Malhotra

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Comments on this Poem

Comment This is such a meaningful wonderful poem written with golden pen.
Great images of beauty in early years growing up , getting to the downfall done to nature all around. And yet the message is powerful ,
Nature will survive, are we going to survive? Excellent Ravimder .

14-Aug-2013 09:12 AM

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