Everything I still remember,
Your greet on my arrival,
Your unshaved face,
‘Careless beauty’ as I called it;
Your small yet cozy flat,
Your tittle-tattle till late night,
Your unbound friendship,
Your unconditional care,
Your eyes dipped in love,
Competing with your self control,
Your whistles swaying my heart,
Your cooking, incredible it was;
Your sweet gestures and moves,
Your way of expressing yourself,
Your views about life and joy,
In the riveting drizzling night,
Your umbrella sharing with me,
Cautiously with a ‘no touch’ technique,
- An example of your self-discipline,
Opposing your desires to hold me.
I simply respect your simplicity,
I remember every little thing about you.
Even if you are absent, you rule my mind,
You occupy my heart so much
That I find it impossible to forget you,
Wherever I go, your thoughts follow me.