The little dog chased his own tail
The young child did nothing but wail
I was trying to catch up with my email
When I suddenly noticed an ant trail
These tiny creatures carried on their back
Grains of sugar that they did ransack
From the open bowl on the kitchen rack
With interest I followed their long track
Well strangely enough with their haul
They went through the kitchen to the hall
Climbing the wooden tables although tall
Until they reached a tiny hole in the wall
Distracted I did not notice baby and the pup
Were licking the same sticky dripping lollipop
Despite my efforts they could not be stopped
Finally I aimed a toy and the lollipop dropped
Picking up the baby I strapped him in his chair
And searched for the medical book on child care
Had to make absolutely sure that there was no scare
Over the baby and dog lollipop sharing nightmare!!
PS: An attempt at baby sitting to help out a neighbour