Fifty men attend the crippled plant
By hughe earthquake and Tsunami struck,
That destroyed their cherished Fatherland
While they work and toil against the clock.
Note! they have the job the deadliest,
From the outside world cut off,
Braving radiation,- grope and test
To save lives, with dedicated love!
Lo! to save the lives of fellowmen,
The hard stricken people near and far,
Last defence of stoic proud Japanl
'Gainst dread radiation nuclear.
In their flashlight's' weak and matted glow
They toil on, heroically brave,
Samurai virtue on their brow,
And determined fellow man to save.
More disasters looming - low they crawl
In the freightening darkness to head off
Meltdown of the fuel rods-- their call
And their mission is to save - bids LOVE.
All they come in contact with and touch
Can bring death, - but oh! they persevere.
Helped by flashlight in their gruelling watch.
Overcoming challenge, doubt and fear.
Inept jumpsuits and too flimsy a mask
Shield their bodies insufficiently.
But they carry on their deadly task
To impede yet more calamity.
We ignore what is the faith and creed
Of this team heroically brave,
But prepared they are their God to meet
Who can not but likewise love and save.
We know nothing of their family
Background, names, and their most dear ones' lot,
But as champions in tragedy
They must certainly be close to God