One day I went to Library, there I met a lady,
Let's call her Ms. ABC she asked me,
Are you working? I said, what do you mean?
She refraimed her question and asked again. "Do you work?"
I said yes I work. Looking at her expressions,
I answered next anticipated question,
I work as an Driver, I work as a caretaker,
sometimes I am a doctor, I am a storyteller,
I also has experience as carpenter,
I am a good chef, I am a cleaner,
There is a long list to go.
Are you fine or I continue so?
She said, I am fine but there are more questions in line.
What about your pay?
Dear friends, I was very much proud to say,
My pay is satisfaction and lots of affection.
She asked another question,
So what about your promotion?
I replied, my promotion is many folds
I get it everytime and nobody can hold,
I get promotion as daughter,
Daughter in law, wife and a mother,
I get promotion when my kids are doing great,
They know their values and far from hatred,
I get promotion whenever I want,
It's just within myself and need not to go anywhere for haunt.
She got the answer,
Working is not merely go out and earn paychecks,
its also raising your kids and keep your family intact,
This is the non-comparable pay,
That a stay at home mom makes.
(Written on:Sep14,2006)