The monster discovered him
And like a leech attached itself
To him, sapping all his energy
As it kept growing larger daily
After a while he felt a nagging pain
He ignored it until it was unbearable
Finally reaching a hospital, shocked
He was with the doctor's diagnosis
The medico quite blandly did proclaim
That the big "C" was a clear possibility
He was to undergo batteries of tests
To establish the cause and the treatment
The doctor's worst fears were confirmed
He went in for chemotherapy & radiation
While his physical condition deteriorated
The cancer seemed determined to survive
After eight months of trauma, pain, insomnia
Loss of hair and weight he succumbed today
To the disease that consumed him mercilessly
Leaving behind a shocked and bereaved family
I salute his bravery in coping with the problem
His ever optimistic attitude to life always hoping
That the changes in the chemo routines would
Help to save his life and shrink the tumor but alas
that was not to be..May his soul rest in peace....