Theme: Love

Come in my Garden

Once saw you freshly bathed, with unstained glowing skin
With hair like lakes that glint, fair beneath the stars
Piercing grey-blue eyes, desiring heart a-cry
The greenest of things blue, the bluest of things grey.

Your fuller pouty lower lip, alluring to my upper lip
Don’t need to get tips, as lips beautiful sink ships
Remembering your look, making me quite nervous
Those leaning eyes, increasing my heart beats.

Come in my garden, roses want to see you blossoming
The recesses of my heart need to feel throbbing
Come, my mind wishes some intellectual touches
Come in my dreams, I wish to confront life’s daydreams.

Originally published in Contest: "The Inside Rhyme" sponsored by Deborah Guzzi


More By  : Dr. Ram Mehta

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