I am a specimen of the human race The one supposed to be At the tip of the animal pyramid To such a thought Many humans are by reservation caught Since frequently Humans tend to settle a difference With some sort of violence Humans carry arms and gun Sometimes they kill other animals Just for fun When there's a big dispute The humans draw their gun And their enemy they shoot When the dispute escalates To a level higher The humans may start a preemptive war At times the war turns into a World war When millions of humans are slaughtered Of other animals, nobody keeps track By the cruelty and brutality of the human kind Other animals are generally surprised At times I'm not proud of belonging to the human race Instead I'd rather have a pussy cat's face A cat has only one goal on this earth Giving and receiving warmth Their giving and receiving love never ends This rule a cat never bends A cat lives to be cradled, cuddled and stroked A cat is heavenly to behold A cat doesn't know how to use a gun She only knows how to purr for fun A pussy cat brings peace and harmony In this world torn with war and tyranny. One thing I know for sure I don't wish to witness any world war When millions of humans are killed When with despair the world is filled A war is human's grotesque creation Which is beyond any other animal's Wildest imagination.