Accomplished, achieved, attained
enough of it all
Life not by choice, death is-
the deliberation
of negative pair,
sheer impulsiveness
shattering anticipation of parents
causing agony during life and after
What is the purpose of it all?
Without route to counseling
reckless act disdainful
presupposing victory in the hereafter,
Wherewithal apparently sound
extensively travelled
negative influence aping the West,
caged inside painful body
aiming to get release by giving it up
Is there peace after abrupt exit?
(*After reading write up on Internet about a successful couple who decided to end their lives as they had lived happily…….)
Success does not mean peace.They knew it well.But by ending life this way they have proved that they were quite unsuccessful in their life and vision.however i am shocked at this news.may their souls rest in peace.