Theme: Love

Uncles and Aunties

Parents please think a while
Before you decide to be selfish
What you leave to the next
Generation is nothing but a vacuum.
Groom the children such that they
Value your great tasks and importance
Let them realize that they don’t need
To take the same path if troublesome for you.
Emphasize that the unity is strength
And keeping the close contacts with relatives
Would reap greater advantages and
After all, a bag of bean is heavier than a bean.
For your children, may be Sachin is a cousin
And Dhoni is an uncle not visiting for long.
Also Vijay and Ajit could be other cousins
Along with Anushka and Tresha as females part.
Kids, Please do not miss your real uncles and
Aunties who were there when you were born.
They changed your diapers and did many things
That would fetch a kind of happiness to you.
As the world is so fast reals look fake
And most fakes look real outwardly.
Also People are after the unreal world
At the cost of family ethics and bondings.
When your old forefather has enough
To share with you more than your dummy box,
You spend most of your time searching
For something for which you have the answer.
Time is short and the world is so competitive
If you miss an opportunity it is somebody else's.
Even if you cannot be outstanding be strong
In your focus and keep it for long standing. 
Most children of today are after music 
For them music is sound not melody.
Real music should bind heart and soul
Moving the body out of this earth and more.
Try to learn to love music but at the same time
Do not miss chirping sounds of infants
Will music get the pleasure which even
Beethovens and BoneyM cannot compose such melodies.
When children cry louder mothers know the
Intricate notes that they produce and be there.    
When children rejoice we all will know
How sweet the tender moments of child.
Love your cousins uncles aunties as
They are no way comparable with others
As they are the ones who pray every minute
For your success and upcoming in life.
Friends are required but how many would
Travel with you till the end as friends.
Of late some ignore friends for relatives and
Some relatives for friends both are wrong.
Friends are friends and relatives
Are relatives both are like our paired limbs.
Whenever our mind and heart breaks
Relative and friends would be our heelers.
When you are in a big family try to
Enjoy the rudiments of joint family.
Some are blessed to have it and
Some are cursed to face it, help them.
Children think that the parents do not
Understand their feelings and wants.
Parents think that the children are not
mature enough and fulfil their demands.
Of late world is becoming small by techies.
But when technology developed and widened
Family Supremacy and divinity are losing
Their sanctity and purpose not served.
When there were only exchanges of letters
Relationships were strong and admirable.
But when communication is improved so much
Relationships are considered overheads, not durable.
Most people were middle class those days
And they had a sense in their relations.
But now they are above middle class
when their mindset is poorer which really hurts.  
Everything is materialistic and senseless
Money makes everything now and limitless.
Precious relationships are taking backseat and
Money has become the driver all ethics in trunk.
Lakhiers have become Crorepathis but
People's Heart is hardened like rocks.
Who wants your money when it does not
Help your own self when it is really needed.
If you dislike everyone in your family
There are thousands of people waiting
For someone to visit and stay with them
for a while as their love is kept waiting.
Develop the art of loving everyone and
Turn all negative energies into positive.
Who knows you could be Mother Teresa
And life may become sensible and sensitive.


More By  :  Ravi N.

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