Alphabetical Listing -"G"
Date Title Writer
18-Nov-2010 G-O-D Randy Johnson
31-Aug-2024 Gable Randy Johnson
15-Jun-2015 Gadgets Aparna Chatterjee
30-May-2014 Gain with Pain Prof. Dr. Ram Sharma
17-May-2011 Gainey: A Himalayan Minstrel's Songs Satis Shroff
11-Oct-2012 Galaxy Jan Oscar Hansen
15-Mar-2012 Galaxy of Fame Satish Verma
16-Oct-2012 Gale of Goals Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
04-Nov-2013 Gale Spell Partha Paul
20-May-2012 Gallows Satish Verma
11-Jul-2016 Galls of Grief Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
30-Apr-2011 Gamble Aparna Chatterjee
19-Apr-2013 Gamble Aparna Chatterjee
07-Jul-2013 Game Rupradha Mookerjee
13-Jul-2014 Game R Purushothama Rao
27-Jan-2012 Game Aparna Chatterjee
27-Dec-2009 Game of Life Saheli R.
01-Apr-2011 Game Spirit! T. A. Ramesh
10-Oct-2004 Games for Two Bernie McCann
01-Aug-2012 Games, Gambling and Wars! T. A. Ramesh
21-Sep-2019 Gandhi Bijay Kant Dubey
01-Oct-2023 Gandhi Bijay Kant Dubey
19-Aug-2011 Gandhi Prafulla Sahu
02-Jul-2006 Gandhi – The Mahatma Vikram G Aarella
31-Jan-2013 Gandhi, Patron of the Restoration of the Earth Anonymousfor JoshuaMessiah
29-Dec-2019 Gandhiji Shernaz Wadia
10-Oct-2012 Gandhiji - Come Once Again Prof. Dr. Ram Sharma
19-Sep-2022 Ganesh Chaturthi Bijay Kant Dubey
19-Sep-2023 Ganesh Chaturthi Madathil Rajendran Nair
07-Sep-2024 Ganesh Chaturthi Bijay Kant Dubey
23-Sep-2007 Ganesh Chaturthi T. A. Ramesh
29-Aug-2014 Ganesh Chaturthi Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
02-Mar-2003 Ganeshji A. J. Rao
26-Jul-2009 Ganga At Dawn Mukesh Williams
04-Feb-2012 Ganga Jal Mukesh Williams
26-Nov-2010 Ganga Jal Mukesh Williams
24-Jan-2004 Ganga Maiya, The Divine Deliverer Mukesh Williams
05-Oct-2008 Ganga Moksha Mukesh Williams
04-Feb-2012 Ganga Moksha at Haridwar Mukesh Williams
30-Nov-2010 Ganga Putra Mukesh Williams
24-Dec-2010 Ganga Release Mukesh Williams
24-Nov-2010 Ganga, A Quid Pro Quo Mukesh Williams
02-Mar-2012 Ganga, Conversing with the Gods! Mukesh Williams
24-Dec-2010 Ganga's Point of View Mukesh Williams
05-Jul-2010 Ganga’s Carnivores Mukesh Williams
04-Feb-2012 Ganga’s Indemnity Mukesh Williams
21-Aug-2012 Garb Aparna Chatterjee
25-Nov-2001 Garbage, Garbage Everywhere Parth Salva
23-Jun-2016 Garden R Purushothama Rao
20-Aug-2023 Garden Rupashri Chatterjee
10-Aug-2012 Garden Bharat Mehru
03-Oct-2019 Garden of Love Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
13-Jul-2008 Gardener of my Soul Aditi Kane
20-Sep-2013 Gardening Kingshuk Chakraborty
01-Mar-2013 Gate-Crash Aparna Chatterjee
08-Apr-2024 Gates Aparna Chatterjee
14-Apr-2012 Gather The Sun Satish Verma
26-Sep-2016 Gathering Aparna Chatterjee
05-Dec-2012 Gathering Shells Ramesh Anand
19-Oct-2010 Gator-Eater Dipankar Dasgupta
06-May-2012 Gauge Aparna Chatterjee
17-Nov-2017 Gauri Lankesh Prof. Madhav Sarkunde
15-Oct-2015 Gavotte of the Trees R. D. Ashby
09-Aug-2011 Gayatri Mantra Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
19-Dec-2013 Gays and Lesbians Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
28-Oct-2023 Gaza Madathil Rajendran Nair
31-Jul-2014 Gaza Burning Dr. Sunil Sharma
12-Oct-2012 Gazing Dr. Sunil Sharma
31-Oct-2012 Geese and Deer by River Thames Dr. Raj Vatsya
12-Sep-2020 Geeta Dutt Kulbir Bhalla
19-Jan-2013 Geeta Dutt Is Virtually Alive Kulbir Bhalla
22-Jun-2013 Gelling Time Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
12-Feb-2011 Gems Divya Chandran
12-Jul-2014 Gemstone Guru Seshu Chamarty
16-Feb-2015 Gender Aparna Chatterjee
26-May-2012 Gender Bias Dr. Jaipal Singh
08-Nov-2012 Gender Bias Sandra Martyres
17-Apr-2005 Gender Critiqued Dr. Uma Asopa
26-Dec-2012 Gene Pool Jan Oscar Hansen
29-Jul-2011 General Compartment Prafulla Sahu
18-Mar-2011 Generation Satish Verma
22-Jul-2012 Generation Gap Dr. Jaipal Singh
21-May-2013 Generation Next Prof. Siva Prasad Peddi
02-May-2015 Generation Next Prof. Siva Prasad Peddi
02-Jan-2011 Generosity Mukesh Williams
28-Apr-2011 Generosity Satish Verma
26-Aug-2013 Genes Maria Reed-Shore
30-Jul-2016 Genes Aparna Chatterjee
26-May-2012 Genesis Satish Verma
05-May-2012 Genesis Rides To Global Warming Susan Dale
10-Jul-2014 Genie with Budget Seshu Chamarty
26-May-2018 Genius Prosenjit Chatterji
10-Jun-2023 Genius Aparna Chatterjee
07-Nov-2011 Genocide Satish Verma
11-Jun-2021 Gentle Kingshuk Chakraborty
01-Jul-2014 Gentle Seshu Chamarty
15-Jun-2003 Gentle Shashi Gupta
01-Jan-2023 Gentle Aparna Chatterjee
07-Aug-2020 Gentle Rain Neelam Dadhwal
02-Jan-2013 Gentleman Dr. Jaipal Singh
15-May-2017 Genuine Consecration Durga Patva
05-Jul-2013 Geography Satish Verma
11-May-2012 Geometrical People Satish Verma
07-Aug-2010 Geometry Satish Verma
07-May-2012 George Lindsey Randy Johnson
16-Oct-2010 Geraniums R. D. Ashby
31-Mar-2015 Germanwings Flight 9525 R. D. Ashby
18-Sep-2005 Gerund Transcontinental Jayati Gupta
03-Jan-2013 Gestures Satish Verma
02-Jul-2018 Get Aparna Chatterjee
29-Jun-2021 Get Aparna Chatterjee
14-Jun-2014 Get Aparna Chatterjee
26-Feb-2013 Get Along Aparna Chatterjee
20-Jul-2003 Get Lost Reena Panda
01-Mar-2016 Get Ready For Spring Kulbir Bhalla
13-Aug-2022 Get The Mail! Kulbir Bhalla
28-Sep-2012 Get Together Rajat Das Gupta
07-Oct-2001 Get Up Parth Salva
11-Jul-2016 Get-Together Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
01-Dec-2016 Getting Aparna Chatterjee
20-Jan-2012 Getting Lost Rajat Das Gupta
28-Dec-2011 Getting Lost Kumud Biswas
13-Dec-2009 Ghost Daigaku Murata
17-Jun-2012 Ghost Aparna Chatterjee
14-Sep-2012 Ghost Town Satish Verma
21-Aug-2011 Ghost Whispers Shernaz Wadia
16-Dec-2001 Ghost Writer William Sorvillo
02-May-2013 Ghostly Satish Verma
23-Apr-2018 Ghouls of Nights Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
14-Aug-2005 Gift Anamika Banerjee
04-Nov-2001 Gift Subhajit Sarkar
01-Feb-2015 Gift Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
30-May-2015 Gift Aparna Chatterjee
19-Apr-2011 Gift Sparrow Tiger
11-Feb-2016 Gift Aparna Chatterjee
15-Aug-2015 Gift a Pair of Wings Dr. Sutapa Chaudhuri
08-Jul-2020 Gift a Smile Sony Dalia
17-Jul-2005 Gift for My Valentine Abhimanyu Kumar Tiwary
09-Dec-2010 Gift from God Randy Johnson
10-Mar-2012 Gift of Love Satish Verma
23-Mar-2008 Gift of the Great Kumud Biswas
26-Dec-2013 Gift Packs Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
14-Aug-2022 Gift To The World Hema Ravi
19-Oct-2012 Gifted Death Satish Verma
09-Sep-2014 Gifted Pen Seshu Chamarty
26-Sep-2012 Gifting Satish Verma
18-May-2016 Gifts From God Randy Johnson
08-Jan-2006 Gifts from the Creator William C. Gladish
07-Jan-2022 Girl Bijay Kant Dubey
19-Apr-2009 Girl in the Park Jan Oscar Hansen
15-Oct-2012 Girlfriend Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
18-Mar-2012 Girls are Selfless Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
23-Nov-2024 Gist Aparna Chatterjee
21-Nov-2020 Gist Aparna Chatterjee
11-Jun-2023 Gist Rajender Krishan
05-Nov-2013 Git Randy Johnson
02-Jun-2011 Gitanjali - Song 1 Ravinder Malhotra
03-Nov-2020 Give Kulbir Bhalla
11-Jun-2017 Give Aparna Chatterjee
03-Nov-2020 Give A Smile Kulbir Bhalla
14-Jan-2012 Give Me Satish Verma
14-May-2013 Give Me Rupradha Mookerjee
30-Apr-2013 Give Me Aparna Chatterjee
04-Feb-2014 Give Me Aparna Chatterjee
13-Sep-2009 Give Me Back Rupradha Mookerjee
09-Jul-2014 Give Me Back Dr. Jaipal Singh
27-Nov-2011 Give Me Some Poison to Live Satish Verma
09-Mar-2013 Give Them Aparna Chatterjee
25-Nov-2011 Give Up Aparna Chatterjee
18-Dec-2014 Give Us More Reality TV Charu Uppal
02-Nov-2017 Give Your Attention Kulbir Bhalla
31-Aug-2024 Given Madathil Rajendran Nair
04-Jan-2025 Giving Kulbir Bhalla
06-Sep-2024 Giving Aparna Chatterjee
27-Oct-2020 Giving A Cold Shoulder Kulbir Bhalla
22-Apr-2024 Giving and Forgiving Dr. Madhavi Godavarthy
13-Sep-2012 Giving Away Satish Verma
23-Nov-2000 Giving My Thanks Roberta Lee Wilcox
15-May-2012 Giving Space To Others Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
23-Nov-2011 Giving Thanks Randy Johnson
19-Sep-2013 Giving Up Dhanwant Kaur Khalsa
02-Oct-2005 Glamour R Purushothama Rao
09-Sep-2024 Glamour Bijay Kant Dubey
15-Mar-2011 Glamour Girl Priyanka Bhowmick
01-Sep-2014 Glaring Fog Neelam Dadhwal
24-Feb-2002 Glassy Illusion Meenakshi Madhur
24-Apr-2013 Glee Seshu Chamarty
25-Feb-2013 Glib Aparna Chatterjee
15-Feb-2017 Glimpse Aparna Chatterjee
20-Jan-2001 Glimpse To Eternity Kanchan Mahesh
01-Oct-2012 Glimpses Sandra Martyres
30-Oct-2013 Glimpses Aparna Chatterjee
01-Feb-2019 Glint Aparna Chatterjee
28-Oct-2015 Glistening R Purushothama Rao
14-Feb-2013 Glitches Satish Verma
08-Oct-2024 Glitter Kulbir Bhalla
30-May-2015 Glittering Lamp! Mohini Gurav
11-May-2019 Global Aparna Chatterjee
22-Jun-2003 Global Communication Architect of Human Rights Hillol Ray
25-May-2003 Global Compact: A Delicate Balance Hillol Ray
30-Mar-2020 Global Fight N S Ramachandran
01-May-2015 Global Love Day Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
29-Jan-2016 Global Reality R. D. Ashby
13-May-2016 Global Village Bijay Kant Dubey
15-Dec-2020 Global Village Bijay Kant Dubey
05-May-2024 Global Village Bijay Kant Dubey
01-Jun-2012 Global Warming Dr. Jaipal Singh
04-Jun-2006 Global Warming Dr. K.C. Prashar
07-May-2024 Global Warming Bijay Kant Dubey
18-Nov-2011 Global Warming Jan Oscar Hansen
01-Apr-2016 Gloom Prof. Dr. Ram Krishna Singh
03-Mar-2011 Gloomy Jan Oscar Hansen
15-Oct-2014 Gloomy Nights Seshu Chamarty
24-Dec-2011 Glorified Discreetly Satish Verma
15-Jul-2013 Glorious Aparna Chatterjee
21-Sep-2012 Glorious is The Goal Hema Ravi
02-Nov-2011 Glorious October Sunday Jan Oscar Hansen
06-Jun-2022 Glorious Sun Dr. Alexis Karpouzos
31-Mar-2012 Glory and Chores! T. A. Ramesh
19-Sep-2015 Glory to God Ganesha Shailesh Kumar Mishra
27-Jul-2018 Glory to Gurus Shailesh Kumar Mishra
20-Jun-2015 Glow & Dark Devavratan Kaundinya
18-May-2008 Glow and Glory of the Divine Prof. R. K. Bhushan
31-Jul-2014 Glowing Neelam Dadhwal
29-Sep-2015 Glowing Like The Moon Kulbir Bhalla
09-Aug-2014 Glowing Moon Kingshuk Chakraborty
14-Dec-2010 Glowing Shadows Mukesh Williams
31-Mar-2013 Glowworm Seshu Chamarty
15-Nov-2012 Gnawed Through Satish Verma
28-Sep-2013 GNP Hafeez ur Rehman
23-Jun-2024 Go Aparna Chatterjee
11-Sep-2013 Go Aparna Chatterjee
17-Feb-2017 Go Aparna Chatterjee
29-May-2018 Go Aparna Chatterjee
04-Apr-2013 Go Aparna Chatterjee
17-Feb-2022 Go Aparna Chatterjee
30-Mar-2012 Go Ahead! Kulbir Bhalla
02-Nov-2013 Go Ahead! T. A. Ramesh
01-Jan-2022 Go Ahead! Kulbir Bhalla
19-Jan-2014 Go Ask Ben Kulbir Bhalla
19-Jun-2023 Go Ask Moses Kulbir Bhalla
07-Aug-2012 Go Away Satish Verma
14-Jan-2016 Go Bananas! N S Ramachandran
13-Nov-2011 Go Jogging Kulbir Bhalla
10-Feb-2022 Go Now Kingshuk Chakraborty
03-May-2009 Go On, Make a Living! M. V. J. Simon
09-Mar-2013 Go On! T. A. Ramesh
26-Sep-2016 Go Within Kulbir Bhalla
15-Jul-2016 Go... Prof. Madhav Sarkunde
14-Oct-2012 Goal Devi Nangrani
16-Sep-2015 Goals Kulbir Bhalla
11-May-2007 Goals of the Divine Charles Cavanaugh
01-Jun-2008 Gob-Smacked Me Mukesh Williams
19-Jun-2013 Goblin of Greed Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
01-Dec-2016 God Aparna Chatterjee
03-Oct-2017 God Aparna Chatterjee
28-Jun-2016 God Kulbir Bhalla
14-May-2012 God Aparna Chatterjee
11-Sep-2022 God Kulbir Bhalla
03-May-2016 God Kulbir Bhalla
15-Dec-2011 God Aparna Chatterjee
16-Sep-2014 God S. A. Hamid
01-May-2005 God Pradeep Dhavakumar
29-Jan-2001 God Priya S
11-Nov-2007 God Prof. Dr. Ram Sharma
20-Mar-2017 God Aparna Chatterjee
23-Oct-2022 God Aparna Chatterjee
22-Sep-2020 God Aparna Chatterjee
11-Mar-2012 God Prafulla Sahu
01-Feb-2022 God Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
12-Oct-2011 God Aparna Chatterjee
03-Aug-2015 God Aparna Chatterjee
16-Mar-2020 God Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
14-Jan-2007 God - The Watchmaker? R. D. Ashby
01-Oct-2011 God and Devil Ravi Prakash
22-May-2021 God and Man Kulbir Bhalla
15-Jul-2013 God and Me Devavratan Kaundinya
16-Dec-2010 God and Superman have One Thing in Common Randy Johnson
16-Jan-2011 God and the Poor R. D. Ashby
10-Nov-2012 God Bless America! R. D. Ashby
27-May-2019 God Bless Those Who Fought and Died Randy Johnson
16-Feb-2012 God Defined Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
03-Sep-2011 God Hates Adultery Randy Johnson
05-Jun-2014 God helps Those who Help themselves Randy Johnson
04-Oct-2012 God in Nature Rajat Das Gupta
01-Nov-2010 God in the World R. D. Ashby
16-Mar-2019 God Is Cracking Down Randy Johnson
07-Apr-2013 God is Helpless Prof. Dr. Dominic KV
23-Oct-2015 God Is Our Hero Randy Johnson
13-Feb-2023 God Is Real Randy Johnson
08-Oct-2010 God is Wonderful Randy Johnson
08-Jul-2015 God Knows Kulbir Bhalla
27-Dec-2009 God Knows Why Aparna Chatterjee
20-Dec-2010 God Loves Animals Randy Johnson
31-Jul-2010 God of Blessings Satish Verma
10-Jul-2012 God Particle Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
28-Oct-2011 God Reduced to Men R. D. Ashby
12-Dec-2010 God Rewards Those Who Do Good Randy Johnson
03-Dec-2010 God should be Adored Randy Johnson
20-Jul-2003 God Speaks Susan Palmer
25-Dec-2012 God suffers from Loneliness Seshu Chamarty
19-Oct-2015 God Too Dozes Prof. Dr. Ram Krishna Singh
10-Apr-2005 God Vs Wisdom Nandakumar Nayar
12-Jul-2012 God was Bleeding Satish Verma
09-Jun-2024 God Will Never Forsake Us Randy Johnson
08-Sep-2012 God Within Dr. Neria H. Hebbar
10-Jul-2022 God you think God you are Asha Nigam
28-Apr-2012 God, Almighty Dr. Anuradha Veluri
31-Jul-2013 God, Save the Modern Man Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
06-Aug-2017 God, Where Are You? Kulbir Bhalla
03-Jul-2013 God's Answering Machine Hafeez ur Rehman
08-Jun-2012 God's Aquarium Prafulla Sahu
09-Sep-2010 God's Birthday Satish Verma
21-Oct-2012 God's Call Sakthee S. Ravichandran
26-Jul-2021 God's Conservatory Dr. O.P. Arora
18-Sep-2015 God's Day Of Rest Randy Johnson
27-Apr-2012 God's Designs Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
25-Nov-2010 God's Eternal Love Randy Johnson
06-Apr-2012 God's Friday Prafulla Sahu
12-Aug-2023 God's Gift Kulbir Bhalla
02-Mar-2021 God's Gift Kulbir Bhalla
18-Apr-2015 God's Grandeur Dr. Rama Rao Vadapalli V.B.
19-Apr-2012 God's Lessons Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
08-Mar-2012 God's Non-fiction R. D. Ashby
25-Nov-2001 God's Own Body Mary Anne Mohanraj
07-Nov-2015 God's Ten Commandments Randy Johnson
14-Nov-2016 God's Thoughts T. A. Ramesh
21-May-2017 God's Ways N S Ramachandran
30-Jun-2014 God's Wish Rupradha Mookerjee
26-Feb-2015 God's World R. D. Ashby
17-Jan-2012 God’s Eternity R. D. Ashby
15-Jan-2015 God’s Own Blessings Pravin Gupta
22-Jul-2015 Godavari Pushkaram Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
10-Nov-2012 Goddess David M Gunson
10-Oct-2012 Goddess Durga Subhajit Ghosh
31-Jul-2005 Goddess Lacerated Shernaz Wadia
29-Nov-2012 Goddess of Darkness Stephen Watson
21-Jun-2013 Godless Shrine Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
22-Mar-2017 Godot Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
04-Jul-2013 Gods and Goddesses Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
27-Nov-2019 Gods and Goddesses One Great Power T. A. Ramesh
19-Feb-2024 Gods and Mortals in Dwarka Kewal Paigankar
01-Dec-2016 Goes Aparna Chatterjee
12-Mar-2016 Going Aparna Chatterjee
25-Jun-2006 Going Back Home Annu Chopra
14-Jul-2015 Going Forward Alex (alexis)
13-Nov-2013 Going Going Gone Swatantra Sharma
28-Mar-2013 Going Home Stephen Watson
24-Sep-2012 Going is like a Garden… Prof. Dr. Anil K. Prasad
02-Apr-2011 Going Nowhere Satish Verma
03-Jan-2025 Going On Swatantra Sharma
26-Feb-2022 Going Round Arunachala Madathil Rajendran Nair
17-Feb-2014 Gold Rupradha Mookerjee
03-Aug-2020 Gold in the Time of Quarantine Dr. Aparna Ajith
20-Jun-2018 Gold Medal Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
30-Mar-2014 Gold Rush Seshu Chamarty
29-Apr-2019 Gold To Behold Kulbir Bhalla
15-Dec-2017 Gold To Behold Kulbir Bhalla
06-Dec-2010 Gold-Tipped Satish Verma
01-May-2011 Golden Arches* Sandra Martyres
06-Jun-2017 Golden Deer Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
06-Aug-2006 Golden Eagle Rising Matthew Brackley
06-Feb-2011 Golden End Satish Verma
25-Jul-2012 Golden Goal Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
22-Aug-2004 Golden Horizon Sashibhusan Rath
10-Jul-2012 Golden Landscape Dr. Sunil Sharma
02-Feb-2011 Golden Leap Satish Verma
12-Jun-2005 Golden Pie Ravi Juneja
29-Apr-2011 Golden Shower Mamta Agarwal
08-Nov-2012 Golden Smile Seshu Chamarty
10-Mar-2012 Golden Sunset Satish Verma
15-Jun-2008 Golden Sunshine M. V. J. Simon
18-Feb-2001 Golden Temple Durlabh Singh
21-Oct-2011 Golden Throne Satish Verma
22-Dec-2011 Golden Valley Satish Verma
26-Apr-2022 Gone Aparna Chatterjee
29-Jun-2021 Gone Aparna Chatterjee
05-Nov-2014 Gone Aparna Chatterjee
28-Nov-2012 Gone Stephen Watson
01-May-2015 Gone Aparna Chatterjee
08-May-2017 Gone Aparna Chatterjee
16-Nov-2019 Gone Awry* Dr. Sutapa Chaudhuri
13-Jan-2002 Gone Too Soon Sarah Dickens
09-May-2022 Gone with the Wind G Swaminathan
10-Oct-2012 Gone With The Wind Rupradha Mookerjee
08-Nov-2013 Gong's Own Momentum Hafeez ur Rehman
29-Dec-2023 Good Aparna Chatterjee
01-Mar-2013 Good Aparna Chatterjee
17-May-2012 Good Aparna Chatterjee
24-Nov-2020 Good Aparna Chatterjee
30-Mar-2015 Good Aparna Chatterjee
30-Nov-2020 Good Aparna Chatterjee
18-Oct-2016 Good Aparna Chatterjee
07-Oct-2020 Good Aparna Chatterjee
21-May-2013 Good Aparna Chatterjee
30-Jun-2016 Good and Bad Kulbir Bhalla
01-Jun-2007 Good and Bad Deeds Raj Nandy
17-Mar-2012 Good Books and Good Looks! Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
01-Mar-2013 Good Bye Dear Books! My Intimate Friends! Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
19-Apr-2015 Good For You! Kulbir Bhalla
29-Mar-2013 Good Friday Seshu Chamarty
25-Mar-2016 Good Friday Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
22-Apr-2011 Good Friday! T. A. Ramesh
17-May-2014 Good Friends Prof. Madhav Sarkunde
26-Oct-2013 Good is not that Good really Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
02-Aug-2009 Good Luck Pramod Khilery
07-May-2013 Good Morning Satish Verma
05-Dec-2013 Good Morning R Purushothama Rao
19-Sep-2013 Good Morning Here Seshu Chamarty
22-Oct-2013 Good Morning, Good Night! Seshu Chamarty
30-Aug-2012 Good Morning! Prof. Dr. Ram Sharma
23-Dec-2007 Good Morning! Kumud Biswas
27-Aug-2014 Good Morning! Seshu Chamarty
17-Dec-2012 Good Morning! Prof. Siva Prasad Peddi
15-Apr-2012 Good Morning! Aparna Chatterjee
21-Mar-2010 Good Old Aunt Rose Sandra Martyres
21-Sep-2013 Good Old Pencil Seshu Chamarty
28-Dec-2011 Good or Bad Aparna Chatterjee
13-Aug-2013 Good or Bad Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
02-Nov-2010 Good People Who Feel Bad Randy Johnson
01-Apr-2013 Good Poetry Aparna Chatterjee
31-Dec-2013 Good Riddance, 2013 Randy Johnson
13-Aug-2014 Good Times Bad Times Swatantra Sharma
09-Nov-2022 Good Times, Bad Times Bijay Kant Dubey
15-Jan-2014 Good Year Hafeez ur Rehman
21-Oct-2001 Good-Bye Sana Kakkar
03-Feb-2014 Good, Bad and Kind Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
26-Feb-2006 Goodbye Annu Chopra
14-Dec-2011 Goodbye Satish Verma
30-Jun-2017 Goodbye Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
18-Mar-2017 Goodbye Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
29-Dec-2014 Goodbye Seshu Chamarty
17-May-2013 Goodbye Aparna Chatterjee
26-Mar-2011 Goodbye Prof. Dr. Jennifer Marie Bayer
07-Dec-2019 Goodbye Subhankar Sharma
28-Jan-2011 Goodbye Flawsome A
25-Aug-2011 Goodbye Albert Randy Johnson
11-Jan-2018 Goodbye Charles Strange Randy Johnson
24-Apr-2017 Goodbye Erin Moran Randy Johnson
16-Jun-2011 Goodbye Friend Dr. Jaipal Singh
20-Jul-2014 Goodbye Garner Randy Johnson
28-Sep-2013 Goodbye Geoffrey Randy Johnson
26-Apr-2013 Goodbye George Jones Randy Johnson
11-May-2011 Goodbye Gough Randy Johnson
06-Jun-2017 Goodbye Kmart Randy Johnson
06-Jan-2015 Goodbye Mr. Baer Randy Johnson
03-Jan-2015 Goodbye Mr. Robbins Randy Johnson
12-Aug-2014 Goodbye Robin Williams Randy Johnson
18-Aug-2014 Goodbye Robin Williams - Part II Randy Johnson
14-Jul-2013 Goodbye Sanity Julia Dutta
24-Jul-2012 Goodbye Sherman Hemsley Randy Johnson
30-May-2013 Goodbye Stephen Randy Johnson
23-Nov-2021 Goodbye, Gavan O'Herlihy Randy Johnson
19-Sep-2013 Goodnight Seshu Chamarty
06-Jul-2008 Goodnight Poem Mykaela Maxino
14-Nov-2024 Goodwill Kulbir Bhalla
15-Aug-2015 Google Doodle & Independence Day Seshu Chamarty
29-Mar-2022 Goon Bijay Kant Dubey
26-Jun-2005 Gopikas' Shame Dr. Uma Asopa
23-Jul-2015 Gorges Aparna Chatterjee
23-Sep-2020 Gospel Music Randy Johnson
25-Jun-2006 Gossip Vivien Steels
14-Jun-2009 Gossip Ravi Shankar Rajan
03-Feb-2014 Gossip Aparna Chatterjee
07-Jan-2020 Got Aparna Chatterjee
20-Sep-2020 Got Aparna Chatterjee
01-Apr-2015 Got It Swatantra Sharma
24-May-2013 Got Over Aparna Chatterjee
24-May-2013 Governing or Gambling? T. A. Ramesh
02-May-2015 GP versus Specialist Seshu Chamarty
20-Dec-2014 GPS Seshu Chamarty
27-Jul-2016 GPS Aparna Chatterjee
02-Jul-2013 Grab Aparna Chatterjee
04-Apr-2013 Grabbers' Code Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
29-Aug-2012 Grabbing Prof. Dr. Ram Sharma
24-Jun-2007 Grace Kumud Biswas
20-Aug-2006 Graceful Adieus Daniel Menezes
06-Aug-2021 Graceful Pain P. Mohan Chandran
21-Feb-2011 Gracious Agony Prof. Dr. Jennifer Marie Bayer
27-Mar-2019 Gracious You Neetu Khatri Kajal
17-May-2020 Gradually Kulbir Bhalla
02-Dec-2013 Graduation Seshu Chamarty
25-Mar-2007 Graduation Night Jade Gialdini
05-Nov-2011 Graffiti Maria Reed-Shore
24-Jul-2014 Grahapravesam Pankajam K
09-Dec-2012 Grains of Sand Dr. Eftichia Kapardeli
28-Dec-2010 Grammar Satish Verma
14-May-2016 Grand Canyon Seshu Chamarty
17-Jul-2010 Grand Finale Bharat B. Trivedi
14-Jun-2019 Grandchildren Seshu Chamarty
12-Nov-2023 Grandfather & I Ujjal Mandal
18-Dec-2010 Grandfather and I Ramesh Anand
22-Jan-2013 Grandfather Clock Stephen Watson
26-Mar-2019 Grandma Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
30-Jun-2013 Grandma Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
06-Mar-2019 Grandma Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
01-Jul-2018 Grandma Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
25-Oct-2009 Grandma is Lost Sandra Martyres
14-Sep-2008 Grandma, I Love You Alton Wang
23-Mar-2011 Grandma's Advice Sandra Martyres
13-Dec-2009 Grandma's Yawn Anuja Mohan Pradhan
10-Oct-2004 C. Chandramathy
03-Aug-2012 Grandpa Randy Johnson
05-Aug-2020 Granny in Karkidakam Dr. Aparna Ajith
19-Apr-2015 Granny's Fan Seshu Chamarty
29-Jan-2021 Granny's Guru Swatantra Sharma
27-Dec-2024 Granny's Spectacles N. Meera Raghavendra Rao
19-Mar-2021 Grasp Shernaz Wadia
06-Nov-2012 Grasp the Present Dr. Jaipal Singh
24-Apr-2017 Grass Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
05-Apr-2011 Grass Stands Tall Mamta Agarwal
14-Sep-2024 Grassy White Kaash Blooms Bijay Kant Dubey
16-May-2015 Grateful Aparna Chatterjee
28-Jan-2007 Grateful Michaela Sefler
08-Sep-2024 Grateful Swatantra Sharma
29-Jun-2013 Grateful Aparna Chatterjee
13-Mar-2013 Grateful Aparna Chatterjee
15-May-2012 Gratitude Prerna Singh
25-Jan-2020 Gratitude Kulbir Bhalla
30-Oct-2012 Gratitude Dr. Jaipal Singh
26-Nov-2014 Gratitude Dr. Jaipal Singh
13-Feb-2024 Grave Swatantra Sharma
13-Jun-2024 Grave Rupashri Chatterjee
08-Jul-2014 Graveside Seshu Chamarty
17-Sep-2006 Graveyard Shift Ray Siefe
27-May-2007 Gravy Dr. Christine Redman Waldyer
02-Mar-2013 Gray Dawn Satish Verma
21-Apr-2011 Gray Hands Satish Verma
04-Oct-2013 Grazing Land Jan Oscar Hansen
10-Jun-2015 Great Aparna Chatterjee
09-Mar-2020 Great Depression II Randy Johnson
13-May-2011 Great Expectation R. D. Ashby
09-Dec-2012 Great Grandpa's Chair Seshu Chamarty
26-Jun-2014 Great Help!!! Seshu Chamarty
04-May-2003 Great Hope Reena Panda
29-Sep-2017 Great Omnipotent Dude Randy Johnson
14-Jun-2013 Greater Good Seshu Chamarty
28-Mar-2004 Greatest Author Shah Pravinchandra Kasturchand
30-Aug-2021 Greatness Blues Dr. Jaipal Singh
25-Jul-2022 Greece Aparna Chatterjee
29-Aug-2020 Greed Rajender Krishan
25-Jan-2011 Greed Ravinder Malhotra
02-Oct-2013 Greed and Avarice Dr. Jaipal Singh
12-Jul-2012 Greed of Knowledge is No Good Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
20-Apr-2023 Greed Was Your Downfall Randy Johnson
17-Aug-2013 Greek Sonnet Jan Oscar Hansen
26-Mar-2015 Green R Purushothama Rao
09-Feb-2013 Green Circle Satish Verma
03-Jan-2012 Green Eyes Satish Verma
23-Jun-2012 Green Feeling Ramesh Anand
11-Aug-2011 Green Jealousy Dr. Ram Mehta
20-Nov-2011 Green Mangoes Kumud Biswas
07-Mar-2014 Green Nest Ramesh Anand
19-Mar-2011 Green Night Satish Verma
06-Feb-2013 Green Or Saffron Kingshuk Chakraborty
22-Nov-2010 Green Pastures Satish Verma
25-Apr-2013 Green River Satish Verma
22-Dec-2011 Green Vision Satish Verma
05-Aug-2012 Greeting Card Rupradha Mookerjee
15-Oct-2013 Greeting Cards Hafeez ur Rehman
07-Jul-2020 Greetings Rajender Krishan
25-Jul-2016 Grey R Purushothama Rao
24-Oct-2024 Grey Aparna Chatterjee
23-Jul-2014 Grey Areas Seshu Chamarty
30-Aug-2010 Grey Heron R. D. Ashby
26-Jul-2010 Grey Hospital and a Brazilian Café Jan Oscar Hansen
07-Dec-2012 Greys and Blues! T. A. Ramesh
24-Dec-2011 Gridlock Subhajit Ghosh
23-Jul-2014 Grief R Purushothama Rao
17-May-2012 Grief Aparna Chatterjee
16-Jun-2012 Grief Prerna Singh
21-Feb-2010 Grief Rani Turton
07-Feb-2014 Grief Jan Oscar Hansen
17-Jun-2013 Grief Unspoken Satish Verma
11-Jun-2018 Grief-Stricken Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
05-Oct-2021 Grieving Aparna Chatterjee
30-May-2017 Grieving Heart Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
03-Oct-2017 Grim Aparna Chatterjee
10-Jan-2014 Grimalkin Jan Oscar Hansen
02-Mar-2012 Grisly Mirror Anushree Pal
14-Sep-2017 Ground R Purushothama Rao
13-May-2013 Ground Zero Seshu Chamarty
10-Sep-2010 Ground Zero R. D. Ashby
11-Oct-2022 Grounded Swatantra Sharma
14-Sep-2010 Grounding Satish Verma
27-Jan-2013 Grouses Aparna Chatterjee
04-Mar-2012 Grow Aparna Chatterjee
16-May-2014 Grow Green Neelam Sangwai
13-Feb-2005 Grow Old With You Lalremlien Neitham
24-Feb-2021 Grow Up and Awaken Kulbir Bhalla
13-May-2007 Grow with Love Satis Shroff
02-Nov-2017 Grow Your Wings Kulbir Bhalla
11-Oct-2014 Growing Swatantra Sharma
16-Jun-2019 Growing Aparna Chatterjee
16-May-2017 Growing and Being Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
31-Dec-1969 Growing Grace Dr. Uma Asopa
07-Feb-2011 Growing Old by The Sea Mukesh Williams
12-Oct-2000 Growing Up Bijal Dwivedi Mehta
14-Dec-2012 Grown Up Prof. Dr. Ram Sharma
21-Sep-2000 Growth Pavalamani Pragasam
11-Dec-2022 Growth Swatantra Sharma
24-Sep-2011 Grudges Aparna Chatterjee
29-Aug-2013 Grudges Aparna Chatterjee
18-Sep-2013 Grumble Aparna Chatterjee
14-Mar-2017 Guard at the Palace N S Ramachandran
03-Sep-2016 Guards P C K Prem
20-Feb-2012 Guesses Aparna Chatterjee
11-Nov-2007 Guidelines Dr. Uma Asopa
16-Oct-2011 Guiled ‘me’... Satish Verma
29-Aug-2020 Guilt Rajender Krishan
15-Oct-2012 Guilt Aparna Chatterjee
10-Nov-2012 Guilt Trip Stephen Watson
04-Mar-2011 Gulf Sony Dalia
01-May-2012 Gulls Kulbir Bhalla
15-Aug-2014 Gulls Kulbir Bhalla
11-Jun-2013 Gulls Kulbir Bhalla
26-Mar-2014 Gulls and Other Birds Jan Oscar Hansen
16-May-2017 Gulmohar Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
21-Sep-2019 Gulmohar Neelam Dadhwal
11-May-2021 Gulmohar Again Dr. Jaipal Singh
08-Aug-2012 Gulmohar Feast Dr. Jaipal Singh
05-May-2024 Gulmohars Blossoming Bijay Kant Dubey
12-Aug-2001 Gulmuhar Dr. Md. Khatibullah Hamidi
18-Jan-2016 Gumption Dr. Jaipal Singh
10-Jun-2019 Gun Aparna Chatterjee
06-Dec-2015 Gunfire Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
28-Jan-2011 Gunplay Jan Oscar Hansen
03-Aug-2012 Gunplay in Heaven Jan Oscar Hansen
14-Apr-2011 Guns in Churches Randy Johnson
30-Nov-2012 Gurbachan Preet Singh Kulbir Bhalla
03-Aug-2013 Gurdwara Rajender Krishan
14-Sep-2013 Guru P C K Prem
18-Jun-2011 Guru Prof. Dr. Ram Sharma
12-Jul-2014 Guru, the Guide R Purushothama Rao
05-Sep-2014 Gurudakshina Pankajam K
03-Apr-2011 Gush Of Wind Rupradha Mookerjee
27-Mar-2017 Gusts of Stormy Winds Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar
16-Jul-2014 Gusty Winds R Purushothama Rao
01-May-2023 Gut Aparna Chatterjee
16-Jan-2020 Guts Aparna Chatterjee
12-Jan-2017 Gutsy Swatantra Sharma
17-Feb-2012 Guys Aparna Chatterjee
06-Jul-2003 Gwalior Again Dr. Amitabh Mitra
19-Nov-2006 Gwalior There ... Dr. Amitabh Mitra
16-Dec-2007 Gwalior Unraveled Dr. Amitabh Mitra
02-Sep-2013 Gypsy Dance Pili Pubul
23-Dec-2007 Gyration T. A. Ramesh
20-Feb-2013 Gyrations Satish Verma
