Mar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025
Theme |
Humour |
A 3D Movie by Seshu Chamarty |
A Lady's Handbag by Jan Oscar Hansen |
A Love Affair by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Profound Truth by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
About and Behind by Hillol Ray |
Affair by Kingshuk Chakraborty |
After Christmas by Seshu Chamarty |
Alert Message by Seshu Chamarty |
All The Same by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
Alumni Meet by Seshu Chamarty |
Android Spring by Seshu Chamarty |
Appreciation by Seshu Chamarty |
April Fool by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
April Fool's Day by Bijay Kant Dubey |
Be Careful, Love by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Be Like God by Kulbir Bhalla |
Beauty Queen by Seshu Chamarty |
Boomerang by Seshu Chamarty |
Breaking by R Purushothama Rao |
Burger by Seshu Chamarty |
But Why? by Kulbir Bhalla |
Change by Kulbir Bhalla |
Change by Aparna Chatterjee |
Chemistry by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Chikungunya by Swatantra Sharma |
Chit Chat - Cheat Chat by Hillol Ray |
Closet Custom by Seshu Chamarty |
Cloud Computing by Seshu Chamarty |
Cock-a-doodle-doo by Seshu Chamarty |
Color an Issue by Seshu Chamarty |
Color Theory by Kulbir Bhalla |
Copy-write! by U Atreya Sarma |
Court'ng Deja Vu by P. Mohan Chandran |
Cricket Fries by Seshu Chamarty |
Curtain Raiser by Seshu Chamarty |
Dada by Aparna Chatterjee |
Dancing in the Rain by Kingshuk Chakraborty |
Debut Solo Song by Seshu Chamarty |
Diet Coke by Seshu Chamarty |
Dilemma by Seshu Chamarty |
Don't Be Deceived! by Kulbir Bhalla |
Done For The Day by Kulbir Bhalla |
Emotional Fools by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Entertainment by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Epigram by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Fashion Parade by Seshu Chamarty |
Feeling by Dr. Madhavi Godavarthy |
Fire by Aparna Chatterjee |
Foggy by R Purushothama Rao |
Footwear Collection by Seshu Chamarty |
Forecasts by Seshu Chamarty |
Git by Randy Johnson |
GP versus Specialist by Seshu Chamarty |
Graveside by Seshu Chamarty |
Grey by R Purushothama Rao |
Halloween Special by Seshu Chamarty |
Heady Wedding by Seshu Chamarty |
Heavenly Wings by Seshu Chamarty |
Her Pink Nails by Kulbir Bhalla |
Hiccups by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
His Worry by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Home Turf by Seshu Chamarty |
Hot by R Purushothama Rao |
How? by Kulbir Bhalla |
Humbug! by T. A. Ramesh |
I Can't Read or Write by Randy Johnson |
I See The Indian Doctors Meeting by Bijay Kant Dubey |
If You Want Love by Kulbir Bhalla |
Impatient Buyers by Seshu Chamarty |
Intolerance by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Invitation by Kumud Biswas |
Itchy by Seshu Chamarty |
Kiss by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Kitty Party by R Purushothama Rao |
Lasting Cure by Seshu Chamarty |
Laugh by Aparna Chatterjee |
Lazy Bones Club by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Mangled Chapattis! by Seshu Chamarty |
Mannequin by R Purushothama Rao |
Marriage by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Marriage Mela by Seshu Chamarty |
Marriages by Aparna Chatterjee |
MCP* by Madathil Rajendran Nair |
Meditation in Smoke by Seshu Chamarty |
My Grandfather's Clock by Seshu Chamarty |
Mystery Girl by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
New by R Purushothama Rao |
New Lessons by Seshu Chamarty |
No by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
No Tears Left by Seshu Chamarty |
Northern Lights by Seshu Chamarty |
Now I See by Kulbir Bhalla |
Oral Test by Prof. Madhav Sarkunde |
Panacea For Corona by Bijay Kant Dubey |
Passwords by Seshu Chamarty |
Pester by Aparna Chatterjee |
Phone Call by Seshu Chamarty |
Picture by Aparna Chatterjee |
Playstation 4 by Randy Johnson |
Poetic Philosophy by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Power Failure by Seshu Chamarty |
Que Sera, Sera by Kulbir Bhalla |
Rapture by Seshu Chamarty |
Room Service by Seshu Chamarty |
Rumour by Aparna Chatterjee |
Says A Sage by Kulbir Bhalla |
Second Grade Teacher by Randy Johnson |
Self Appraisal by Kingshuk Chakraborty |
Senryu - CCC by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Serial Killers by Seshu Chamarty |
Services Rendered by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Sharing by R Purushothama Rao |
Shirshasana by R Purushothama Rao |
Siesta by Seshu Chamarty |
Six Year Old Barber by Randy Johnson |
Sizzling Samosa by Seshu Chamarty |
Snake for Breakfast by Seshu Chamarty |
Snow and Ice by Kulbir Bhalla |
Sparkling Smile by Seshu Chamarty |
Statuesque by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar |
Sticky Affair by Seshu Chamarty |
Stop Washing Your Dogs in my Swimming Pool! by Randy Johnson |
Striking Yoga Teacher by Seshu Chamarty |
Summer by Aparna Chatterjee |
Sweep by Aparna Chatterjee |
Table Manners by Seshu Chamarty |
Tall Order, eh…? by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Tata Leaves Port Talbot by R. D. Ashby |
Teacher's Day by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
The Purpose of Life by Kulbir Bhalla |
The Resolute Poet by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
The Sober Mistress by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Their by Aparna Chatterjee |
To Fallen Leaves by Kulbir Bhalla |
Toy Gun by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Traffic by Seshu Chamarty |
Translucent Moon by Seshu Chamarty |
Trick Photography by Seshu Chamarty |
Valentine in Store! by Seshu Chamarty |
Valentine's Day by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
Vat Savitri Puja by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar |
Vishwakarma Puja by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar |
Voyeur by Aparna Chatterjee |
Walking Under the Stars by Seshu Chamarty |
We Are So Close by Kulbir Bhalla |
Wedding Mantras by Seshu Chamarty |
What A Mode! by Swatantra Sharma |
What To Do? by Kulbir Bhalla |
When I Was A Child by Bijay Kant Dubey |
When the Sky is Gray by Kulbir Bhalla |
Why Are You Rushing? by Kulbir Bhalla |
Winter by Kulbir Bhalla |
Winter is Saying... by Kulbir Bhalla |
Women's Day by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
Writing Ghost Stories by Seshu Chamarty |
Wrong Number by Seshu Chamarty |
Wrong Side by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
Yoga Practice by Seshu Chamarty |
You Too! by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Your Smile by Kulbir Bhalla |
Top |