Mar 25, 2025
Mar 25, 2025
Theme |
Humor |
A Bit on Wit..! by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
A Bore by Dr. Ram Mehta |
A Cloudless Sky by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Cloudless Sky by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Cloudless Sky by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Damsel in Distress by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Daughter's Prayer by Ravinder Malhotra |
A Firefly by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Garage Sale by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Highway Thru A Graveyard by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Job For You by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Mockingbird by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Morning So Drab by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Plea From Dave (From His Grave) by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Plea To Boloji Poets by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Politician's Plight by Sandra Martyres |
A Question For Management by Kulbir Bhalla |
A Riff-Raff's Epitaph by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
A Seafarer's Life by Jan Oscar Hansen |
A Sense of Humor by Kulbir Bhalla |
A South Indian Wife’s Jeremiad by P. Mohan Chandran |
About Randy* by Sandra Martyres |
Achiever by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Alchemy by Pradeep Dhavakumar |
Alien Languages! by Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
All Hands Meeting by Kulbir Bhalla |
Alternate Energy by Kulbir Bhalla |
An Innocent Curiosity by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Anchovies by Randy Johnson |
And Yet by Kumud Biswas |
April & Easter by Jan Oscar Hansen |
April Fools' Day by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
Arms And The Man by Kulbir Bhalla |
Asking All Nurses by Kulbir Bhalla |
At Midnight Tonight by Randy Johnson |
Autumn by Sandra Martyres |
Bank Loan by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Bee Stung by Seshu Chamarty |
Believer by Ramesh Anand |
Belly Dancer by Seshu Chamarty |
Blabberick...! by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Black Friday by Randy Johnson |
Black Friday At The Hospital by Randy Johnson |
Blind Love by Rajender Krishan |
Blood Or Bud by Kulbir Bhalla |
Bottoms up by Randy Johnson |
Boys Are Being Boys by Kulbir Bhalla |
Bug Love by Bryon D. Howell |
Butchering English by Seshu Chamarty |
Butterflies In My Stomach by Kulbir Bhalla |
Butterflies In The Stomach by Kulbir Bhalla |
Can War be Stopped? by T. A. Ramesh |
Cat on the Wall by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Catches Win Matches..!! by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Catches Win Matches....! A Sequel.... by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Celebrating Leap Year by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
Celibacy by Dr. Ram Mehta |
Chacha Mooh Zore by Saad Mallik |
Cheating Electrician by Randy Johnson |
Cleaning Stress by Dr. Ram Mehta |
Clouds by Kulbir Bhalla |
Cold Turkey by Randy Johnson |
Colonel Wisdom T Petterpuck by Philip G Bell |
Compensation by Kumud Biswas |
Cordial by Rajender Krishan |
Creamy, Dreamy - White and Light by Dr. Ram Mehta |
Cruising and Musing by Sandra Martyres |
Death of an Atheist by Ravinder Malhotra |
Diet? Me? Oh, No...! by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Dipterous by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Do You Know? by Kulbir Bhalla |
Dog or Cat or Monkey? by T. A. Ramesh |
Doomsday Baloney by Rajender Krishan |
Dreams by Seshu Chamarty |
Dreams by Sandra Martyres |
Eaters Beware by Randy Johnson |
Eight Feet Tall Man by Randy Johnson |
English-Vinglish...! by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Enjoy Your Liberty! by Kulbir Bhalla |
Every Dog Has His Day by Kulbir Bhalla |
Exam Time by Purva Bhatia |
Facebook Friends by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Fallen Leaves by Kulbir Bhalla |
Fallen Leaves by Kulbir Bhalla |
Fallen Leaves by Kulbir Bhalla |
Fan by Kingshuk Chakraborty |
Fast Food For Fast Birds by Kulbir Bhalla |
Faster Than Light by Kulbir Bhalla |
Feet by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Felicity Undead by Randy Johnson |
Femmes Fatales (For Adults Only) by U Atreya Sarma |
Finally Free by Kulbir Bhalla |
First Day of Pediatric Residency by Dr. Uma Asopa |
Fly in the Soup by Seshu Chamarty |
Fog by Kulbir Bhalla |
Friends Without Benefits by Randy Johnson |
Funny Side of....A Drink Too Many by Seshu Chamarty |
Gator-Eater by Dipankar Dasgupta |
Get The Mail! by Kulbir Bhalla |
Giving A Cold Shoulder by Kulbir Bhalla |
Go Ask Ben by Kulbir Bhalla |
God Is Cracking Down by Randy Johnson |
Good For You! by Kulbir Bhalla |
Gulls by Kulbir Bhalla |
Gunplay in Heaven by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Gurbachan Preet Singh by Kulbir Bhalla |
Happy Doctors' Day! by Seshu Chamarty |
Harmless Dead by Seshu Chamarty |
Heard It On The Grapevine by Kulbir Bhalla |
Hell Hath No Fury by Randy Johnson |
Help, I'm Stuck in your Chimney! by Randy Johnson |
Helplessness... by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
His Daughter's Wedding by Sandra Martyres |
Home Situation by Kulbir Bhalla |
Hooked! by Kulbir Bhalla |
How About Capitalizing? by Kulbir Bhalla |
How Appalling! by Kulbir Bhalla |
How to avoid Overeating this Thanksgiving by Randy Johnson |
How To Never Have To Wait In Lines by Randy Johnson |
How To Recognize Me? by Kulbir Bhalla |
Howzzat...? by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Hu and Wi by Kulbir Bhalla |
Humour by R. D. Ashby |
Humour by Ravi N. |
Humour - Spice of Life! by T. A. Ramesh |
Hunger Humour by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Hyperbole by Kumud Biswas |
I Chose to be a Jackass by Ravinder Malhotra |
I Don't Believe It! by Randy Johnson |
I Hate My PC by Randy Johnson |
I Need a Different Kind of Remote Control by Randy Johnson |
I Should've Learned French by Randy Johnson |
I think of You by Aparna Chatterjee |
I'm Calling You Phat, Not Fat by Randy Johnson |
I'm Not A Horse! by Randy Johnson |
If by Maheshwari L |
If Video Games Were Like Crack by Randy Johnson |
Illicit Kiss by Seshu Chamarty |
In Defence of Wine by Pradeep Dhavakumar |
Indictment by R. D. Ashby |
Is it Humour? by Vaibhav Pandey |
It's French To Me by Hillol Ray |
Jonah's Gourd by Randy Johnson |
Just Look At Your Shape by Kulbir Bhalla |
Khichdi by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Lack of Rain by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Lemon Love by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Let The Truth Be Known by Kulbir Bhalla |
Life Goes On by Seshu Chamarty |
Life is Showing by Kulbir Bhalla |
Like Blood Flowing by Kulbir Bhalla |
Live For God by Kulbir Bhalla |
Living Rent-Free by Kulbir Bhalla |
Lost My Wit by Kulbir Bhalla |
Love-game by Kumud Biswas |
Mass Transfer by Kulbir Bhalla |
May Flowers by Kulbir Bhalla |
Medical Tanka by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Mi Casa Es Su Casa by Kulbir Bhalla |
Mid Air Turbulence by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Middle Finger by Aparna Chatterjee |
Mirror by Seshu Chamarty |
Mobile Beauty! by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Money Laundering by Kulbir Bhalla |
Mosquito Menace by Seshu Chamarty |
Mr. Know All...! by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Mufflers by Seshu Chamarty |
Mush-Bush Imbroglio by Nandlal Kanjibhai Panchol |
My Critics by Kumud Biswas |
My Dilemma by Kulbir Bhalla |
My Encounters with Acupuncture by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
My Feet by Kulbir Bhalla |
My Growing Ego by Kulbir Bhalla |
My Nose Knows by Kulbir Bhalla |
My Runny Nose by Kulbir Bhalla |
My Stolen General Lee by Randy Johnson |
My Tryst with a Parasite by Sandra Martyres |
My Two Left Feet by Sandra Martyres |
My Wandering Mind by Kulbir Bhalla |
Napping in the Office :-) by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Never Reimbursed by Randy Johnson |
New Fashion by Kumud Biswas |
New Mirror by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Nib Creep – A Casualty by Kingshuk Chakraborty |
Nobody Will Pay The Kidnapper by Randy Johnson |
Now I See by Kulbir Bhalla |
Office Situation by Kulbir Bhalla |
OMG, A Lizard...! by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
On Limerick Writing... by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Palm Sunday by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Peanuts - Anyone?? by Sandra Martyres |
Perfection by Kulbir Bhalla |
Pink Rabbit by Randy Johnson |
Please Don't Scream by Kulbir Bhalla |
PMS by Randy Johnson |
Poetry by Aparna Chatterjee |
Poetry Cultivation by Seshu Chamarty |
Poets' Convention by Seshu Chamarty |
Political Affairs by Kulbir Bhalla |
Pride by Kulbir Bhalla |
Problems Arise if... by Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
Product Recall by Kulbir Bhalla |
Pumpkin Logic by Seshu Chamarty |
Quintuplets by Randy Johnson |
Rain by Kulbir Bhalla |
Raining Cats and Dogs by Kulbir Bhalla |
Remembering Some Boys by Dr. Uma Asopa |
Resolve by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Right Back Versus Left Back by Kulbir Bhalla |
Rubber Check by Randy Johnson |
Santa Gone Bad by Randy Johnson |
Santa is Stuck by Randy Johnson |
Saturday Night in Blue by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Says A Crow by Kulbir Bhalla |
Seek Our Lifeline! by Kulbir Bhalla |
Sense of Humour... by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Sex and the Medical Profession by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Sharing or Sheering? by Hillol Ray |
She looks like Moe! by Randy Johnson |
Silence by Kulbir Bhalla |
Silent Couple by Seshu Chamarty |
Simple and Straight by Kumud Biswas |
Single, Ready to Mingle by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Sleep by Kulbir Bhalla |
Sleep by Kulbir Bhalla |
Sleep by Kulbir Bhalla |
Slimming by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Small Mercies by Seshu Chamarty |
Smart and Stupid by Randy Johnson |
Smile by Seshu Chamarty |
Smile by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
Snow by Kulbir Bhalla |
Snow-Covered Trees by Kulbir Bhalla |
Some Roses by Kulbir Bhalla |
Sometimes by Kulbir Bhalla |
Sometimes by Kulbir Bhalla |
Staying Embraced by Kingshuk Chakraborty |
Steel Won't Do by Kulbir Bhalla |
Stolen Lottery Ticket by Randy Johnson |
Storm in a Tea Cup by Sandra Martyres |
Strip Tease by Seshu Chamarty |
Stupid Guard Dog by Randy Johnson |
Suicide by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Summer's First Day (June 21, 2015) by Kulbir Bhalla |
Sweetheart by Seshu Chamarty |
Symmetry by Seshu Chamarty |
Taking Candy from a Baby by Randy Johnson |
Tank by Randy Johnson |
Tanka Humour by Jan Oscar Hansen |
Tattered Jeans by Kulbir Bhalla |
Teddy Bear by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick |
Tension by Aparna Chatterjee |
Thank God by Kulbir Bhalla |
That Damn Electric Blanket! by Randy Johnson |
The Art Of Cooking by Kulbir Bhalla |
The Baby Cries by Saad Mallik |
The Bite of Man by R. D. Ashby |
The Change by Randy Johnson |
The Classroom Scene by Kulbir Bhalla |
The Collector by Jan Oscar Hansen |
The Coronation by Kulbir Bhalla |
The Cow - The Only Story I Knew by Seshu Chamarty |
The Debate by Kumud Biswas |
The Easter Bunny by Randy Johnson |
The Fur Coat by Jan Oscar Hansen |
The Girls! by Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam |
The Grazing Mule by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
The Honest Truth by Kulbir Bhalla |
The Incredible Chicken by Randy Johnson |
The Invention of Shoes by Kumud Biswas |
The King is Helpless by Kulbir Bhalla |
The New President by Randy Johnson |
The Philistines cut off my Hair! by Randy Johnson |
The Poet's Confession by Kumud Biswas |
The Purpose Of Life by Kulbir Bhalla |
The Real Relative by Kumud Biswas |
The Record Breaker by Jan Oscar Hansen |
The Scene In The Washing Machine by Kulbir Bhalla |
The Slob Who Won't Get A Job by Randy Johnson |
The Theft by Jan Oscar Hansen |
The Tongue by R. D. Ashby |
The Truth Reigns by Kulbir Bhalla |
The Visitor by Sandra Martyres |
The Weekend To Do... by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
The Wind by Kulbir Bhalla |
The Wind by Kulbir Bhalla |
The Wind Died Last Night by Kulbir Bhalla |
These Damn Bills! by Randy Johnson |
This is Cool! by Kulbir Bhalla |
This Tick on My Nose by Randy Johnson |
Those Greek Customers! by Randy Johnson |
Thunder by Seshu Chamarty |
Thunder and Lightning by Kulbir Bhalla |
Today and Tomorrow by Kulbir Bhalla |
Toilet Humor by Kulbir Bhalla |
Tom and Jerry by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Too Cheap To Buy A GPS by Randy Johnson |
Tooth Extraction by Seshu Chamarty |
TPed by Randy Johnson |
Trees by Kulbir Bhalla |
Trying by Kulbir Bhalla |
Tweeting Clouds by Kulbir Bhalla |
Two Doves by Kulbir Bhalla |
Two Poets by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Unemployed Lawyers by Kulbir Bhalla |
Up the Creek without a Paddle by Randy Johnson |
Urgent Meeting! by Kulbir Bhalla |
Vacancy by Swatantra Sharma |
Verse within Verse by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Wait! Wait! by Kulbir Bhalla |
Watch Out! by Kulbir Bhalla |
Water Under The Bridge by Kulbir Bhalla |
Wedlock by Kulbir Bhalla |
What A Beauty! by Kulbir Bhalla |
What Do I Find? by Kulbir Bhalla |
What Do You Say? by Kulbir Bhalla |
What is Life? by Kulbir Bhalla |
What Were You Doing? by Kulbir Bhalla |
What Will You Do? by Kulbir Bhalla |
When She's Snoring by Kulbir Bhalla |
Where Do Clouds Go? by Kulbir Bhalla |
Where is Father Nature? by Kulbir Bhalla |
Where There’s A Will... by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
While Vishnu Speaks by Jerry Sarvas |
White Hair by Ramesh Anand |
Whither Public Toilets..?! by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy |
Who Do You Call? by Kulbir Bhalla |
Who Goes There, Come You Here by Kumud Biswas |
Why Are You Running? by Kulbir Bhalla |
Why Worry? by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Why? by Kulbir Bhalla |
Winner and Loser by Randy Johnson |
With The Dentist by Dr. Jaipal Singh |
Won't you Love me? by Kumud Biswas |
Yes, She Can by Kulbir Bhalla |
You Better Worry by Kulbir Bhalla |
You're No Lady by Randy Johnson |
Young and Old by Saad Mallik |
Top |