

A Bit on Wit..!  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
A Bore  by Dr. Ram Mehta
A Cloudless Sky  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Cloudless Sky  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Cloudless Sky  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Damsel in Distress  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Daughter's Prayer  by Ravinder Malhotra
A Firefly  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Garage Sale  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Highway Thru A Graveyard  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Job For You  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Mockingbird  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Morning So Drab  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Plea From Dave (From His Grave)  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Plea To Boloji Poets  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Politician's Plight  by Sandra Martyres
A Question For Management  by Kulbir Bhalla
A Riff-Raff's Epitaph  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
A Seafarer's Life  by Jan Oscar Hansen
A Sense of Humor  by Kulbir Bhalla
A South Indian Wife’s Jeremiad  by P. Mohan Chandran
About Randy*  by Sandra Martyres
Achiever  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Alchemy  by Pradeep Dhavakumar
Alien Languages!  by Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
All Hands Meeting  by Kulbir Bhalla
Alternate Energy  by Kulbir Bhalla
An Innocent Curiosity  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Anchovies  by Randy Johnson
And Yet  by Kumud Biswas
April & Easter   by Jan Oscar Hansen
April Fools' Day  by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
Arms And The Man  by Kulbir Bhalla
Asking All Nurses  by Kulbir Bhalla
At Midnight Tonight  by Randy Johnson
Autumn  by Sandra Martyres
Bank Loan  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Bee Stung  by Seshu Chamarty
Believer  by Ramesh Anand
Belly Dancer  by Seshu Chamarty
Blabberick...!  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Black Friday  by Randy Johnson
Black Friday At The Hospital  by Randy Johnson
Blind Love  by Rajender Krishan
Blood Or Bud  by Kulbir Bhalla
Bottoms up  by Randy Johnson
Boys Are Being Boys  by Kulbir Bhalla
Bug Love   by Bryon D. Howell
Butchering English  by Seshu Chamarty
Butterflies In My Stomach  by Kulbir Bhalla
Butterflies In The Stomach  by Kulbir Bhalla
Can War be Stopped?  by T. A. Ramesh
Cat on the Wall  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Catches Win Matches..!!  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Catches Win Matches....! A Sequel....  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Celebrating Leap Year  by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
Celibacy  by Dr. Ram Mehta
Chacha Mooh Zore  by Saad Mallik
Cheating Electrician  by Randy Johnson
Cleaning Stress  by Dr. Ram Mehta
Clouds  by Kulbir Bhalla
Cold Turkey  by Randy Johnson
Colonel Wisdom T Petterpuck  by Philip G Bell
Compensation  by Kumud Biswas
Cordial  by Rajender Krishan
Creamy, Dreamy - White and Light  by Dr. Ram Mehta
Cruising and Musing  by Sandra Martyres
Death of an Atheist  by Ravinder Malhotra
Diet? Me? Oh, No...!  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Dipterous  by Jan Oscar Hansen
Do You Know?  by Kulbir Bhalla
Dog or Cat or Monkey?  by T. A. Ramesh
Doomsday Baloney  by Rajender Krishan
Dreams  by Seshu Chamarty
Dreams   by Sandra Martyres
Eaters Beware  by Randy Johnson
Eight Feet Tall Man  by Randy Johnson
English-Vinglish...!  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Enjoy Your Liberty!  by Kulbir Bhalla
Every Dog Has His Day  by Kulbir Bhalla
Exam Time  by Purva Bhatia
Facebook Friends  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Fallen Leaves  by Kulbir Bhalla
Fallen Leaves  by Kulbir Bhalla
Fallen Leaves  by Kulbir Bhalla
Fan  by Kingshuk Chakraborty
Fast Food For Fast Birds  by Kulbir Bhalla
Faster Than Light  by Kulbir Bhalla
Feet  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Felicity Undead  by Randy Johnson
Femmes Fatales (For Adults Only)  by U Atreya Sarma
Finally Free  by Kulbir Bhalla
First Day of Pediatric Residency  by Dr. Uma Asopa
Fly in the Soup  by Seshu Chamarty
Fog  by Kulbir Bhalla
Friends Without Benefits  by Randy Johnson
Funny Side of....A Drink Too Many  by Seshu Chamarty
Gator-Eater  by Dipankar Dasgupta
Get The Mail!  by Kulbir Bhalla
Giving A Cold Shoulder  by Kulbir Bhalla
Go Ask Ben  by Kulbir Bhalla
God Is Cracking Down  by Randy Johnson
Good For You!  by Kulbir Bhalla
Gulls  by Kulbir Bhalla
Gunplay in Heaven  by Jan Oscar Hansen
Gurbachan Preet Singh  by Kulbir Bhalla
Happy Doctors' Day!  by Seshu Chamarty
Harmless Dead  by Seshu Chamarty
Heard It On The Grapevine  by Kulbir Bhalla
Hell Hath No Fury  by Randy Johnson
Help, I'm Stuck in your Chimney!  by Randy Johnson
Helplessness...  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
His Daughter's Wedding  by Sandra Martyres
Home Situation  by Kulbir Bhalla
Hooked!  by Kulbir Bhalla
How About Capitalizing?  by Kulbir Bhalla
How Appalling!  by Kulbir Bhalla
How to avoid Overeating this Thanksgiving  by Randy Johnson
How To Never Have To Wait In Lines  by Randy Johnson
How To Recognize Me?  by Kulbir Bhalla
Howzzat...?  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Hu and Wi  by Kulbir Bhalla
Humour  by R. D. Ashby
Humour  by Ravi N.
Humour - Spice of Life!  by T. A. Ramesh
Hunger Humour  by Jan Oscar Hansen
Hyperbole  by Kumud Biswas
I Chose to be a Jackass  by Ravinder Malhotra
I Don't Believe It!  by Randy Johnson
I Hate My PC  by Randy Johnson
I Need a Different Kind of Remote Control  by Randy Johnson
I Should've Learned French  by Randy Johnson
I think of You  by Aparna Chatterjee
I'm Calling You Phat, Not Fat  by Randy Johnson
I'm Not A Horse!  by Randy Johnson
If  by Maheshwari L
If Video Games Were Like Crack  by Randy Johnson
Illicit Kiss  by Seshu Chamarty
In Defence of Wine  by Pradeep Dhavakumar
Indictment  by R. D. Ashby
Is it Humour?  by Vaibhav Pandey
It's French To Me  by Hillol Ray
Jonah's Gourd  by Randy Johnson
Just Look At Your Shape  by Kulbir Bhalla
Khichdi  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Lack of Rain   by Jan Oscar Hansen
Lemon Love   by Jan Oscar Hansen
Let The Truth Be Known  by Kulbir Bhalla
Life Goes On  by Seshu Chamarty
Life is Showing  by Kulbir Bhalla
Like Blood Flowing  by Kulbir Bhalla
Live For God  by Kulbir Bhalla
Living Rent-Free  by Kulbir Bhalla
Lost My Wit  by Kulbir Bhalla
Love-game  by Kumud Biswas
Mass Transfer  by Kulbir Bhalla
May Flowers  by Kulbir Bhalla
Medical Tanka  by Jan Oscar Hansen
Mi Casa Es Su Casa  by Kulbir Bhalla
Mid Air Turbulence  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Middle Finger  by Aparna Chatterjee
Mirror  by Seshu Chamarty
Mobile Beauty!  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Money Laundering  by Kulbir Bhalla
Mosquito Menace  by Seshu Chamarty
Mr. Know All...!  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Mufflers  by Seshu Chamarty
Mush-Bush Imbroglio  by Nandlal Kanjibhai Panchol
My Critics  by Kumud Biswas
My Dilemma  by Kulbir Bhalla
My Encounters with Acupuncture  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
My Feet  by Kulbir Bhalla
My Growing Ego  by Kulbir Bhalla
My Nose Knows  by Kulbir Bhalla
My Runny Nose  by Kulbir Bhalla
My Stolen General Lee  by Randy Johnson
My Tryst with a Parasite  by Sandra Martyres
My Two Left Feet  by Sandra Martyres
My Wandering Mind  by Kulbir Bhalla
Napping in the Office :-)  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Never Reimbursed  by Randy Johnson
New Fashion  by Kumud Biswas
New Mirror  by Jan Oscar Hansen
Nib Creep – A Casualty  by Kingshuk Chakraborty
Nobody Will Pay The Kidnapper  by Randy Johnson
Now I See  by Kulbir Bhalla
Office Situation  by Kulbir Bhalla
OMG, A Lizard...!  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
On Limerick Writing...  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Palm Sunday  by Jan Oscar Hansen
Peanuts - Anyone??  by Sandra Martyres
Perfection  by Kulbir Bhalla
Pink Rabbit  by Randy Johnson
Please Don't Scream  by Kulbir Bhalla
PMS  by Randy Johnson
Poetry  by Aparna Chatterjee
Poetry Cultivation  by Seshu Chamarty
Poets' Convention  by Seshu Chamarty
Political Affairs  by Kulbir Bhalla
Pride  by Kulbir Bhalla
Problems Arise if...  by Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
Product Recall  by Kulbir Bhalla
Pumpkin Logic  by Seshu Chamarty
Quintuplets  by Randy Johnson
Rain  by Kulbir Bhalla
Raining Cats and Dogs  by Kulbir Bhalla
Remembering Some Boys  by Dr. Uma Asopa
Resolve  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Right Back Versus Left Back  by Kulbir Bhalla
Rubber Check  by Randy Johnson
Santa Gone Bad  by Randy Johnson
Santa is Stuck  by Randy Johnson
Saturday Night in Blue  by Jan Oscar Hansen
Says A Crow  by Kulbir Bhalla
Seek Our Lifeline!  by Kulbir Bhalla
Sense of Humour...   by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Sex and the Medical Profession   by Jan Oscar Hansen
Sharing or Sheering?  by Hillol Ray
She looks like Moe!  by Randy Johnson
Silence  by Kulbir Bhalla
Silent Couple  by Seshu Chamarty
Simple and Straight   by Kumud Biswas
Single, Ready to Mingle  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Sleep  by Kulbir Bhalla
Sleep  by Kulbir Bhalla
Sleep  by Kulbir Bhalla
Slimming  by Jan Oscar Hansen
Small Mercies  by Seshu Chamarty
Smart and Stupid  by Randy Johnson
Smile  by Seshu Chamarty
Smile  by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
Snow  by Kulbir Bhalla
Snow-Covered Trees  by Kulbir Bhalla
Some Roses  by Kulbir Bhalla
Sometimes  by Kulbir Bhalla
Sometimes  by Kulbir Bhalla
Staying Embraced  by Kingshuk Chakraborty
Steel Won't Do  by Kulbir Bhalla
Stolen Lottery Ticket  by Randy Johnson
Storm in a Tea Cup  by Sandra Martyres
Strip Tease  by Seshu Chamarty
Stupid Guard Dog  by Randy Johnson
Suicide  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Summer's First Day (June 21, 2015)  by Kulbir Bhalla
Sweetheart  by Seshu Chamarty
Symmetry  by Seshu Chamarty
Taking Candy from a Baby  by Randy Johnson
Tank  by Randy Johnson
Tanka Humour  by Jan Oscar Hansen
Tattered Jeans  by Kulbir Bhalla
Teddy Bear  by Dr. Kumarendra Mallick
Tension  by Aparna Chatterjee
Thank God  by Kulbir Bhalla
That Damn Electric Blanket!  by Randy Johnson
The Art Of Cooking  by Kulbir Bhalla
The Baby Cries  by Saad Mallik
The Bite of Man  by R. D. Ashby
The Change  by Randy Johnson
The Classroom Scene  by Kulbir Bhalla
The Collector   by Jan Oscar Hansen
The Coronation  by Kulbir Bhalla
The Cow - The Only Story I Knew  by Seshu Chamarty
The Debate  by Kumud Biswas
The Easter Bunny  by Randy Johnson
The Fur Coat   by Jan Oscar Hansen
The Girls!  by Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
The Grazing Mule  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
The Honest Truth  by Kulbir Bhalla
The Incredible Chicken  by Randy Johnson
The Invention of Shoes  by Kumud Biswas
The King is Helpless  by Kulbir Bhalla
The New President  by Randy Johnson
The Philistines cut off my Hair!  by Randy Johnson
The Poet's Confession   by Kumud Biswas
The Purpose Of Life  by Kulbir Bhalla
The Real Relative  by Kumud Biswas
The Record Breaker   by Jan Oscar Hansen
The Scene In The Washing Machine  by Kulbir Bhalla
The Slob Who Won't Get A Job  by Randy Johnson
The Theft   by Jan Oscar Hansen
The Tongue  by R. D. Ashby
The Truth Reigns  by Kulbir Bhalla
The Visitor  by Sandra Martyres
The Weekend To Do...  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
The Wind  by Kulbir Bhalla
The Wind  by Kulbir Bhalla
The Wind Died Last Night  by Kulbir Bhalla
These Damn Bills!  by Randy Johnson
This is Cool!  by Kulbir Bhalla
This Tick on My Nose  by Randy Johnson
Those Greek Customers!  by Randy Johnson
Thunder  by Seshu Chamarty
Thunder and Lightning  by Kulbir Bhalla
Today and Tomorrow  by Kulbir Bhalla
Toilet Humor  by Kulbir Bhalla
Tom and Jerry  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Too Cheap To Buy A GPS  by Randy Johnson
Tooth Extraction  by Seshu Chamarty
TPed  by Randy Johnson
Trees  by Kulbir Bhalla
Trying  by Kulbir Bhalla
Tweeting Clouds  by Kulbir Bhalla
Two Doves  by Kulbir Bhalla
Two Poets  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Unemployed Lawyers  by Kulbir Bhalla
Up the Creek without a Paddle  by Randy Johnson
Urgent Meeting!  by Kulbir Bhalla
Vacancy  by Swatantra Sharma
Verse within Verse  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Wait! Wait!  by Kulbir Bhalla
Watch Out!  by Kulbir Bhalla
Water Under The Bridge  by Kulbir Bhalla
Wedlock  by Kulbir Bhalla
What A Beauty!  by Kulbir Bhalla
What Do I Find?  by Kulbir Bhalla
What Do You Say?  by Kulbir Bhalla
What is Life?  by Kulbir Bhalla
What Were You Doing?  by Kulbir Bhalla
What Will You Do?  by Kulbir Bhalla
When She's Snoring  by Kulbir Bhalla
Where Do Clouds Go?  by Kulbir Bhalla
Where is Father Nature?  by Kulbir Bhalla
Where There’s A Will...  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
While Vishnu Speaks  by Jerry Sarvas
White Hair  by Ramesh Anand
Whither Public Toilets..?!  by Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy
Who Do You Call?  by Kulbir Bhalla
Who Goes There, Come You Here  by Kumud Biswas
Why Are You Running?  by Kulbir Bhalla
Why Worry?  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Why?  by Kulbir Bhalla
Winner and Loser  by Randy Johnson
With The Dentist  by Dr. Jaipal Singh
Won't you Love me?  by Kumud Biswas
Yes, She Can  by Kulbir Bhalla
You Better Worry  by Kulbir Bhalla
You're No Lady  by Randy Johnson
Young and Old  by Saad Mallik
