Dr. Ram Mehta


Ram(niklal) Mehta, born in Dwarka, had been a professor and Head, Department of English, N.A. Arts College, V. Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India. After retirement as a professor and Head of English in 1994, Dr. Ram Mehta splits his time between India and North America. He visited France on a cultural mission in 1989 and presented a scene of the French dramatist Moliere's La Tartuffe in Paris. He also visited UK, Scotland and Ireland.  He is a life member of the World Academy of Arts & Culture and attended its convention at IASI, Romania in October, 2002 and 25th World of Congress at Los Angeles in August, 2005. He also attended 4th Encuentro Internacional Literario at Montevideo, Uruguay in April, 2003. He has been awarded the honorary degree of Litt.D - by The World Academy of Arts and culture at Los Angeles (USA), in 2005 (UNESCO sponsored). His poems are published in Algeria, Australia, Argentina, Canada, India, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Romania, USA, UK, Uruguay and Zambia.

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