Seema Banerjee

Texas,United States of America

Seema Banerjee is an Environmental Scientist, working for the State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (Office of Environmental Services - Major Industrial Permits) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She has been writing since the age of ten, in her native language Bengali and English. She was awarded for contributing her work in the publication Shuktara in Calcutta, India.  She is also the representative from the State of Louisiana for Udayan, the North American Bengali Publication. Her poems and other writings have been published in Udayan.  She has a BS in Biology/Microbiology (USA, AS in  Computer Accounting (USA), Diploma in Phlebotomy (USA), BS in Chemistry (India), MS in Economics (India), Certified in Homeopathy (India). She also has other passions such as her interests in crafts besides her writing skills.  Her achievements are as follows -- "The Special Dream" poem was selected Semi-finaist for International Library of Poetry(July, 2000). "Sweet dream" poem was selected semi-finalist in the International Library of Poetry (July, 2000). "Sweet dream"-poem received Editor's choice and (March, 2006) for outstanding Acheivement in International library of poetry. "PROMISE"-poem chosen as a choice poem (February, 2001) in Australia Poetic Society. "Brush vs Canvas"- was chosen as a prize winning poem (November, 2001) under Workshop No. 9 for "Brush vs Canvas" poem was selected as a feature poem (May, 2002) on INDOLINK site. "Dream is Music"--poem posted as a daily poem (October 2002) on Australian Poetic Society. "A gift to my Mother"-poem selected as a choice poem (June, 2003) on Australian Poetic Society.

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