Rama Mishra is a Graduate of Ayurvedic Medicine (1973) and has been practicing Ayurveda since 1974. He is a world renowned expert in the practice of Maharishi Ayurveda. He comes from a family tradition of Raj Vaidyas - physicians to the erstwhile royalty of India - that can be traced back thousands of years and is mentioned in ancient Vedic texts. He is a member of the Council of Maharishi Ayurveda, 80 of the foremost Ayurvedic experts in the world. In this capacity, he has traveled to the West to train allopathic physicians in the practice of Maharishi Ayurveda. Rama Mishra has also been intimately involved in researching the ancient Ayurvedic texts and developing dozens of new Ayurvedic formulas based on this research. Rama Mishra is a widely known and respected Ayurvedic spokesperson, conducting countless interviews on the topic for print and electronic media. For five years between 1985 and 1991, he penned a popular Ayurvedic column for two of India's leading daily newspapers - Praphat Khapar and Uditvani. During that same period Rama Mishra was interviewed for over 50 radio shows and 50 television shows. He has also been interviewed on Ayurveda in numerous publications found in Japan, Italy and the U.S., and writes and lectures extensively worldwide.