Prof. Dr. Anil K. Prasad

Wadi Addawasir,Saudi Arabia

Worked as Professor  at the Deparment of English, College of Arts and Science, Zliten, Al-Mergheb University, Al-Khums,  Libya. He has been invited to give papers at the international conferences in the universities of India, the Middle East, Turkey, China, Portugal, Canada and the US. Besides, he has published books, reviewed books, contributed an article on Asian American writers in the Greenwood Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature (U.S.A. 2009) and recently presented papers on Higher Education in India and Abroad which have been published in international journals (Melbourne, Australia 2009). A bilingual poet and a short story writer, his poems have been translated into Arabic and Chinese and published in the international journals. He has been awarded an Honorary Membership from the International Writers and Artists Association, USA, and an Honorary Life Membership from Metverse Muse, India. Apart from spending long tenure in teaching and research he has served on important committees of academic and administrative importance. He was a senior member (1991-2008) of the Department of English, Faculty of Arts Ibb University, Yemen and chaired the Department of English for more than a decade and a half. Besides, he was consultant on the Ibb University Research Journal and the editor of the Ibb University Newsletter. During 2008-2009 he taught at some of the prime colleges of Mumbai University as a Visiting Professor. His interests include Postcolonial Cultural Studies, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Narratology, and the teaching of English in non-native contexts. Currently he is teaching English language, Literature and Linguistics at the Department of English, Salman Bin Abdulaziz University, KSA.  Email:

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