Anupama Ganesh

Scottsdale,United States of America

Solitude; Is when you are lonely; When the doors are always shut; When despair sets in slowly; It's impossible to make a new start. Attitude; Is what you learn to develop; To fringe the show you must put on; In case your emotions and actions overlap.  While people guess your piteous condition.  Multitude; Is when you are in a throng; Yet you feel like running away from it; all Coz you know you wouldn't belong; Lest you accidently slip and fall . Altitude; Is the great effort to climb back; From the desolate pit of misery and frustration; To the small glimmer of light shining down, aleck.  And that warm hand reaching, forever holding on.  Magnitude; Is the enormous chip off your shoulder; When love and happiness engulf you all around; So finally you can hand over your reins and halter; To that one person who can lift you from the ground.  I guess that's me!
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