Arthur Weil


76 years old Arthur Weil is from Piedmont, California, USA. He is a retired high school teacher and a real estate agent.

Arthur Weil's poetry examines all facets of life while paying tribute to them with wit, wisdom and whimsy. His words inspire the reader to look at life in a new way, to pause and appreciate, and, always, to chuckle. He has been published in a number of anthologies and newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune. He has published five books of poetry since his first, Life, Love and Gems That Shine, in December of 1999.

Mr. Weil escaped Nazi Germany in 1938 as one of 1400 children of the kindertransport. He spent his formative years in Chicago, completing his BA and MA degrees, then pursued a Ph.D. in History at UC Berkeley. He taught in the public school system for 27 years, and went on to run his own real estate business for 24 years before becoming a full time writer. Mr. Weil is a strong supporter of the arts in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has two children and three grandchildren. At the age of 76, Art is currently working on his sixth book of poetry.

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