Sahitya Gourav Indian English poet, Jaydeep Sarangi , is an academic, editor, translator, academic administrator and the author of a number of significant publications (including forty books) on Postcolonial issues, Indian Writing in English, Translation works, and Australian Literature in reputed journals/magazines in India and abroad. Sarangi has eight collections of poems in English, the latest being, "Heart Raining the Light" (2020). He is the mentor of many academic and literary peer reviewed journals and has been taken the editorial board of several refereed journals in India and abroad like, Mascara Literary Review , Transnational Literature(Australia), Virtuoso(Hyderabad),Cavalcade (Nigeria), Pegasus (Agra), The Okigbo Review (Nigeria), UnheardMelody , Parnassus(RaeBarelly) Prosopisia(Ajmer), Labyrinth(Gwalior),Indian Journal of World Literature and Culture (Bhubaneswar), IJPCL (Kerala), Scholastic International Journal of Language and Literature (Chennai) , Reflections (Tezu),ArsArtium,(Ghaziabad),Conjunctions- An International Refereed Journal of Language, Literature & Culture(Jalandhar).He edits "New Fiction Journal" ( ISSN 0978 – 6863).He has collaborated as peer reviewer for CLR,Universitat Jaume I,Spain. He is one of the Editors, "Writers Editors Critics" and the President, GIEWEC (head office at Kerala). He is one of the founder members and the Vice President of Intercultural Poetry and Performance Library,Kolkata. Sarangi has delivered keynote address in several national and international seminar and conferences in different continents. Dr. Paula Hayes (USA) in her Introduction to the book, From Dulung to Beas comments, “a few of Jaydeep’s poems reach toward asking metaphysical questions.” Professor Dora Sales of University Jaume I ,Castellón, Spain comments , “As we all know, India has a rich literary tradition. JaydeepSarangi is a splendid member of this endless family. Truly, a poet of note.”About his latest book of poems,'Silent Days' “Jaydeep Sarangi gives a fresh paint to everyday living. ‘Small rivers’ near tribal villages are his haunts. His language can be unorthodox, where a rock can turn into a ‘reckless flow”, but his poems are a rewarding read, with the scent of herbs coming through the pages.” comments Keki Daruwalla ,one of the leading Indian writers in English and the recipient of the Sahitya Akademi Award. "A Door-Somewhere?" (2014) , his latest collection was released at Rzeszów University,Poland.
Widely anthologised and reviewed as a poet and a critic, Sarangi has six collections(From Dulung to Beas, Silent days, A Doorsomewhere, The Wall and Other Poems) of poems, latest being To Whom I Return Each Day (2017) released in Italy. Mamang Dai says, “I read Jaydeep Sarangi’s poems as leaning towards the spiritual, a searching.” He has delivered keynote, plenary and invited speeches on Indian poetry, Postcolonial literature and dalit literary movements in different continents. He has recently edited Stories of Social Awakening: Reflections of Dalit Refugee Lives of Bengal(2017).
Dr Sarangi's poems ,articles and reviews have appeared in different refereed international journals and magazines in several countries.He has read poems on different shores and reviews on his works have appeared worlwide.He has guest edited four issues for muse india on marginal literatures from the Eastern India and the North East and Derek Walcott and Poetry Below the Age of 40. .He has been invited as resource person/writer in several universities in India, Australia, Poland, Germany,Slovakia,Italy, Canada and USA.
He is a widely anthologized poet with ten collections, latest being, Memories of Words(2023). A regular reviewer for poetry journals and newspapers, Sarangi has delivered keynote addresses and read poems in different continents and lectured on poetry and marginal studies in universities/colleges of repute. His books, articles and poems are archived in all major libraries and online restores in the world, including Harvard University, Oxford University, Sorbonne University, Barkley Library and University of Chicago. He is the President, Guild of Indian English Writers, Editors and Critics (GIEWEC) and Vice President, EC, Intercultural Poetry and Performance Library,Kolkata. He has been known as ‘the bard of Dulung’ for his poems on the rivulet Dulung and people who reside on its banks. Sarangi is Principal and professor of English at New Alipore College, Kolkata and actively spreading the wings of poetry among generations. He edits Teesta, a journal devoted poetry and poetry criticism. With Rob Harle he has edited six anthologies of poems from Australia and India which are a great literary link between the nations. . With Amelia Walker, he has guest edited a special issue for TEXT, Australia. His website is : https://jaydeepsarangi.in/
After serving at various places, Jaydeep Sarangi is now the Principal, New Alipore College, Kolkata. Website Link: www.jaydeepsarangi.in