Pesi Padshah


By the time I became a Senior Citizen, I had lived through a number of experiences which could be described as fairly interesting. Yet, it was only when I chose to write, not necessarily about them, but matters only remotely related, that forgotten moments suddenly sprang to life and lent a special flavour to my reflections. Hence, a lot of my writing turns out to be sketches of fictional situations, lived out by fictional characters, experienced and narrated by a 'me' that I look upon as more real than I, in fact, am.

I spent thirty five delightful years as an exercise instructor at West Wind, a kindergarten school in Mumbai, India, and a brief stint at St. Mary's, my old high school. That, and watching my own daughter grow up,  taught me a lot about the way children regard  the world and  adults around them. It follows that it often provided astonishing glimpses of the way they regarded me.

My love affair with motorcycles which persists to the present day, has added considerably to the fun in my life, despite numerous 'near-death' experiences. 

My precious pets which included a profusion of dogs and cats, a snake, a rat named Alfred and, Caruso, a crow, have all brought me joy, and furnished me with a multitude of memories, to cherish and to share.

If my tales can induce in the reader, even a small part of the enjoyment I derived from relating them, I shall consider my efforts well rewarded. 

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