Hema Ravi


Hema Ravi, has had a stint in the Central Government, then as a school teacher. Currently, she freelances as IELTS and Communicative English Language Trainer.

She is the author of THE CUCKOO SINGS AGAIN (Collection of Short Stories), EVERYDAY ENGLISH (Self-tutor for students, published by Vanathi Publications), Write Right Series 1,2,3 (Handwriting books for children), co-author of SING ALONG INDIAN RHYMES (rhymesCD/colouring booklet- self-published), featuring Indian rhymes for children in English and co-author of EVERYDAY HINDI (published by Sura Books). Her audio lessons 'Everyday English with Hema' are broadcast on the Kalpakkam Community Radio; these lessons are helpful to English language learners who are tongue-tied and unable to communicate in the social/professional environment.

Her write ups have been published in the Hindu (Voice your Views/Open Page) and the New Indian Express (Mindspace). She has been a Prize Winner in Metverse Muse “Best Fixed Form Poets of the year 2018 and 2019. Her poems (English and Tamil) have been featured in the Amaravati Poetic Prism (a multilingual anthology of poems), Metverse Muse, Poetry World, Contemporary Literary Review Print Edition, Women, Wit & Wisdom (multilingual anthology of women), The Poetic Bliss, Roots and Wings (An Anthology of Indian Women Writing in English), The Fancy Realm, The Enchanted World, Rainbow Hues, Matruvani and Holistic Mediscan. She is among the top poets at voicesnet.com, has posted verses in spillwords.com, poemhunter.com, museindia.com, boloji.com, Contemporary Literary ReviewIndia, Setu magazine, four and twenty poetry, a hundred gourds and several other online journals and websites.

She is interested in classical form poetry, free verse, haiku, haibun, tanka and more.......

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