Prof. Annavarapu L. Sharma


            I am a retired Colonel from Army Medical Corps (AMC). I was born  and educated at Nagpur  erstwhile Capital of CP and Berar later Madhya Pradesh and now Maharashtra. We are from Andhra Pradesh but my father being an employee of the than Bengal Nagpur Railway (BNR)  was posted at Nagpur. His being a transferable job my early schooling was at a number of small towns and villages mostly in MP and Chattisgarh. Due to my Parent's foresight from Middle School onwards I studied at St John's High School Nagpur and passed my SSC in 1969. After studying at Hislop College for two years I joined the Govt.Medical College (GMC) Nagpur in 1961

       After graduation In Dec 1965 I joined the AMC as a Lieutenant and after a chequered Career of 33 1/2 years  which included an award of Sena Medal for gallantry in 1971 war and a summit of 20602 ft (Baihali Jot) in Chamba Himalayas as a climbing member cum Medical Officer.I retired as Professor and Head at the Department of Community Medicine at the Prestigious Armed Forces Medical College Pune in September 1999.

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