My interest in the field of Internet security is more than an infatuation. I have done considerable amount of research understanding the various aspects that make this field so interesting and challenging.
It all started with an article in local magazine that focused my attention in this direction about 2 years back. The more I got involved in this field, my interest and experience increased manifold.
Writing has been a passion. And here, I write for a subject close to my heart and career. When you do the work of your liking, the gap between work and play subsides. I also love writing poetry-both in English and Hindi. Strange likings I posses, which the world does not approve still I find solace in them. This is because I always feel that listen to what the world has to say and do what your heart and mind advise. In most cases, you won't have to repent your decision.
There is lot to write about myself. But in short, you can say that I am a human being by God's grace, a computer engineer by choice, a poet by chance and a friend for life.