Nancy Freeman Patchen


Nancy Freeman (Patchen) considers India the home of her heart, but the truth is India is the planet's heart. She recognizes that through the ages India has produced some of the greatest minds and intellects and continues to do so. Her wish is there is a balance between the mastery of the inner and the outer, so that humanity's spiritual wealth will not be lost to materialism.

Nancy has lived in India for over five years. During that time, she often lived with Indian families and also assisted for six months at a meditation retreat center for Indian families. Therefore, she is well informed of the present conditions in India and the pressure on young people today.

Nancy undertook her first journey to India in 1978 to study at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya in Bombay and to travel with Swami Chinmayananda on his lecture tour to India's major cities. Drawing on the information collected during the trip, she wrote his biography: Journey of a Master. In 1990, she returned to India for three years as a volunteer editor of Tattva Loka, the prestigious spiritual magazine, published by the Shringeri Mathain south India. The use of 'Speed Post' for her editing work allowed her to travel throughout Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, parts of Karnataka and Maharasthra, as well as Rajasthan.

In the winter of 2000, Nancy returned to India to speak at schools and universities, particularly in Chennai, on the subject: 'Self-Mastery for Success in the World'. She now lives a simple life in a small village in Arizona, serving her community and friends, in whatever way she is able. She is particularly interested in using natural health modalities such as herbs, homeopathy and polarity therapy.

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